Chapter 23~ Just a DREAM

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My visions go black and my  eyes shot open. I look around and I realize i'm inside of my room, I look down at my body and i'm covered in sweat. It was a DREAM.......  "(Y/N)??????" Valerie shouts? 

"I'm up here!" I hear her footsteps and she opens the door.

"What happened up here? You look like crap?!" I laugh and she sits down on my bed.

"I had a horrible nightmare"

"About what?" I tell her what it was about and she looks taken back. I sigh and ask her how life is with Daylon she says good so far. I ask her to stay with me and she nods. We've slept in the same bed before when we were younger she always slept over and we didn't have guests rooms It's not weird. I lay on my side and face the opposite direction of Valerie. She faces the other way as well. I finally fall asleep and It was the best I've slept in a while. The next day Valerie drops me off at PT and goes to work.

(Valerie's POV)

I drop off (Y/N) at PT and I head over to work. Daylon texts me asking if i'm coming home after I drop off (Y/N) I reply with no and tell him I have work. He says oh. I love you and I tell him I love him too. I get to work and I walk around the corner when someone with steaming hot coffee walks into me. AHHH all over my breast I scream in my head. My boss lets me slip off home for a few minutes to change. I thank her and I began heading home, P.S I moved in with Daylon a while ago. Because of the secret I have been keeping from (Y/N). I began heading home and I pull into my drive way. I walk into the house and head into my room. I open the door and Daylon is having sex with another girl. I run into the room and grab a change of clothes and just keep running until I reach my car. I lock my doors and I just start crying, 'What just happened' I think to myself. Daylon comes running out of the house and started pulling on the car door I start backing up and I drive away to the only place I know to go to. I run inside of the hospital down to the PT room to where Bailey and (Y/N) are. I see (Y/N) improving really fast she is already walking again and she can stand like normal. I run over to her crying she pulls me into a hug........ "D-da-ay-lon" I just keep sobbing. "He-he cheated on me a-again...."

"There there... I know exactly how you feel." I just keep crying and she begins to cry with me. "How did you find him?" I begin to explain to her what I seen and she begins to stiffen.

*(Y/N) POV*

I was in PT when Val started running towards me crying in a coffee stained shirt. I pull her into a hug and she just continues to sob while saying Daylon. I try to comfort her but I can't help if I don't what happened that is when she begins to explain. I start to stiffen when I remember what the note said about Valerie keeping a secret from me. "Valerie"? "Do you have something to tell me.." I think I know what it is but I haven't said anything about it. She nods her head and opens her mouth to speak but I cut her off. "Valerie?! Are you pregnant?!" 

"NO! What the hell are you calling me fat?!" I feel stupid

"I'm so so so sorry Valerie I just assumed you were."

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