Chapter 2 ~ The neighbor

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We start heading for the door, I started having doubts and a lot of thoughts fluttering into my head. What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks i'm unattractive? Before I knew it Valerie and Sidney where saying " Earth to (Y/N), anyone home?" As they were giggling.

I looked at them"w-what?" I stuttered. They began to chuckle "Let's go" I mumbled. I stepped out on to the porch, the cool breeze sent chills up my spine. I began walking down the porch steps, I faintly hear dogs barking in the distance, suddenly a tiny puppy runs up to me, with its owner close behind. I kneel down to stroke the beautiful creature, it begins to lick my hand. I look up at the heavily breathing women. " Hello, whats your dog's name?" I questioned

She replies with " Hello , his name is copper, may I ask but what's your name?"

"Oh my name is (Y/N)". I replied

"It's very nice to meet you (Y/N), I'm Violet James. Well i'm sorry but I have to go, it was nice to meet you"! She stated

"Yes, it was very nice to meet you, have a nice day"! I added I totally forgot about Valerie and Sidney they were giving me annoyed glances. " I'm sorry guys". They didn't answer " Okay fine lets go" I whispered.

" Finally"! They both shouted. I chuckled we all started walking towards the mans house. We finally made it to his steps. Until I remember I forgot the cookies, I turned towards Valerie and Sidney

and said "Hey guys ill be right back I forgot the cookies"!

They both shouted " No we'll go"! as they giggled while walking away. They both stopped walking and Sidney Yelled " (Y/N) go on ahead we are coming"! I took a long deep breath in and let it out. I was about to knock but he opened the door.

"Hi, my name is (Y/N), I live across the street from you".

"Hello, My name is Evan, may I say you are very beautiful". He stated I couldn't help but blush. " Oh sorry, how rude of me would you like to come in". He stated I walked in, "How old are you, I'm 19"? says Evan

"I'm 19 too, do you live alone Evan"? I asked

" Yes I do". Evan replied we continually talked for what seemed liked hours. I finally noticed that my so called "friends" ditched me. I gave Evan my number and he gave me his. He went to the kitchen to get some soda for me and him. I couldn't stop staring into his eyes, it was like I was in a deep trance. However my phone broke that trance, my mom was calling.

"I'm sorry Evan I have to take this".

"No go ahead, I'm going to the bathroom". he states

" Hey mom"!

"Hi sweetie, your brother misses you"!

"I miss him too mom, tell him I love him".

"Okay honey I will, I love you and be safe"!

" I love you too mom, and I will"!

*Call ended* I sit there on his couch starring into the distance. I unlock my phone and start scrolling through face book. I hear his footsteps and switch to snap chat, I shout "Hey Evan come take a selfie with me"! He smiles and sits down next to me. He places his big muscular arm around my shoulder and smiles. I turn to face him and say " You have a beautiful smile, and you are very handsome". He blushes and leans in for a kiss, I put my finger over his lips and take a selfie.

"(Y/N) you are a tease you know that"? I laugh. My phone begins to buzz I look down and see 2 new messages. They are from Val and Sid they saw my story and want details. They began texting me to tell me its getting late and to go back home I yawn.

"Hey Evan its getting pretty late I should probably head back home".

"Yeah, I guess it is. Hey (Y/N) do you want to go on a date with me this saturday "? I blush

"Of course". I replied soon after him and I stand up and head for the door. He opens the door for me, out of nowhere he grabs my arm.

The man across the street Where stories live. Discover now