Chapter 18~ Hospital

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(Y/N) POV~

Evan and I were talking about how it sucks that his car was stolen, however we had a great time. We kissed, and our Uber Driver began swerving out of nowhere a Semi comes crashing into us. The car soon be came crushed and I was on top of Evan now, the car began tumbling down the hill and soon caught on fire. Now me and Evan were holding each other crying and screaming. The car stops rolling and I try to stand up but my legs are broken. I take a glimpse of the Semi driver and our Uber Driver. The Uber Driver got impelled in the heart by a medal pole that went through the window. I look to my left and see. No it can't be why is she doing this to us won't she just leave me alone I cry. The snake is back but this time I didn't faint this time I saw her right there just starring at the car! I hear Evan trying to get up but his leg is cut open deeply and his right arm is broken. He is trying to use ally of his strength just to get out and try to help me out. He begins trying to kick the door open and finally it flings open. He begin to squeeze his way through and cuts open his cheek on a piece of glass. He has bruises everywhere and his pants are ripped. I look down at my body and I still can't feel my legs, I have a cut on my stomach from a rip in my dress. My belly ring is ripped out but my cross is still laying on my chest perfectly fine. I try to move but my left arm has a huge gash on my forearm up to my bicep. I can barely lift my self up but I know if I don't get moving soon the car will blow and I will die. I look over and I see gas leaking and going closer to the fire. Evan stretches his left arm towards me and I grip on as tight as I can with my right arm. I try moving my arm farther out but my jacket gets stuck on a piece of the car and its stuck. I pull as hard as I can and I rip the sleeve and Evan starts dragging me out of the car. The glass on the floor of the car is cutting me on my legs but I can't feel it.  My face hits the floor of the car and glass puts a gash on my forehead and cheek. Evan and I's clothes are ripped and dirty. Our popcorn and soda are spilled everywhere, my phone is nowhere to be seen. I look around and Evan finally helps me out of the car. He picks me up with his left arm and throws me over his shoulder and starts jogging away from the car.  Evan is wheezing from pain on his leg but he knows that if he doesn't start running they will both die. When Evan picked me up I was complaining about my legs and that I cant stand up. People all around us are yelling and screaming to call the cops, I see the Semi truck drivers face bleeding and limping over here. I try scanning the area for the snake but she is nowhere to be seen. She disappeared i'm scarred now, I pray to god that she won't come back, I let myself just cry, I know it will help. I wrap my arms around Evan neck and just sob, he begins crying to and sets me down and him and I just sit there crying. Soon enough an ambulance and police cars come flying down the road. Paramedics lift me up and place me on a stretcher with Evan following closely behind and sits down on a sit in the ambulance. A paramedic soon begins stitching up Evans leg, Because he is losing to much blood we finally get to the hospital and get rushed into a room, all goes black.

I'm sorry I made it seem like they died well they didn't. Haha

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