Chapter 1 ~ New House

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I finally finish unpacking, I lay on my bed listening to Three Days of Grace. I hear a distinct sound, I pull my headphones off to make sure I wasn't hearing things. However, sure enough it was someone banging on my front door. Who could that be I thought? I sat up and quickly ran to the front door.

"I'm coming," I called, running down the stairs to my front door. I saw a figure standing outside continually banging on my door. I opened the door a small breeze blew past me. A teenage boy with blonde hair and crystal blue eyes stood in front of me. "H-hello," I stuttered, he looked quite creepy but at the same time attractive.

"Hey," the man said, I looked over my shoulder, but when I looked back the man was gone. I looked franticly around wondering where he went. I then shut my front door I hear my phone ringing. I sprint into my bedroom, it was my best friend calling saying she wants to come over! I jump with joy yelling with excitement. I then leap back onto my bed and continue listening to Three Days of Grace.

I soon fell asleep I was woken up with someone shouting my name, it was Valerie and Sidney, I slide off my bed rubbing my eyes, I yawn while scampering down the stairs. I smile, and say " Hey guys what do you think of my house so far?"

"I love your house (Y/N)" Exclaimed Val, and Sid. We all walk over to the couch. I tell them about the mysterious guy who was at my door. I ask them if they want to see the rest of the house, they both scream "YES!" I show them my 1980 Victorian style home with modern updates in the inside. We all sense that something is staring at us I look across the street and see him. The man that was at my door step, I shoot a sharp glance at him, with a sweet smile.

He walked away, flashing me a grin as he did so. I laugh, with a strange feeling that Valerie and Sidney were watching me. They give me a look that says " ooo someone has a crush".

I blushed while remarking with "No! I don't even know his name". They smile while walking back to the couch. Valerie and Sidney, demanded that we go meet the neighbor across the street. I said " If you insist." We all get off the couch laughing.

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