Back to Korea (1)

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No one’s POV

After a long chat this morning, Chris took a bath and as usual, back to her macbook. She loves reading manga online. While she was reading, L.Joe busted the door.

“Chris-ah! Let’s go for grocery shopping! We’re out of food!” he rushed to his cupboard and chose his casual clothes. “Palli!!”

“Aish oppa, can’t you just go and buy it yourself? I’m tired.” Chris acted like she’s tired and threw her body away to the bunk bed.

“Jinjja, if you don’t wanna go, oppa will not buy any cherry tomatoes for you!!”

Chris quickly responded when she heard cherry tomatoes. “Arraseo arraseo! I’ll go!!” she quickly changed her clothes and grabbed her bag.

“Pabo.” L.Joe smacked Chris’ head.

“Yah, can you stop smacking my head?”

He just smiled and dragged his dongsaeng along to the grocery store. They walked because the distance isn’t really far. They only bought several foods and that made me confused. “Oppa, why are we only buying several food? Even this won’t be enough for 3 days.”

“Pabo, you don’t know anything?”


“Eomma didn’t tell you?” Chris shook her head. “What? What happen?”

L.Joe faced palmed. “Jinjja, you’re such a smart kid but you don’t know this huh… PABO.”

Chris can only blink and looked clueless. “Eomma told us to comeback to Korea. She had sent a letter to the principal so we can transfer back to Korea. But I don’t really know why she exactly asked us to comeback to Korea… Maybe she missed us? LOL”

“Mwo?? Jinjja??” she looked in disbelief. L.Joe nooded. “We will continue our high school there.”

Chris groaned. “GREAT. I’ll be a ‘Skyscaper’ AGAIN.”

L.Joe laughed and they continued their shopping. After shopping, they walked home, having fun chats while Chris’ eating her cherry tomatoes (she loves them so much). As soon as they arrive, they rearrange the groceries and had dinner. Chris made fettuccini and spaghetti.

“Whoa, my dongsaeng’s such a good chef.” L.Joe mumbled while chowing down his fettuccini.

“Gomawo hehehehe.” Chris blushed. “Aww, my dongsaeng’s cute” L.Joe pinched her. “OUCH! I told you not to pinch me you punk!”

The dinner was full of laughter and fun. Finally it’s time for them to sleep.

“So oppa, we will be packing tomorrow?” Chris yawned while climbing up to the bunk bed.

“Yeah, bring your stuffs completely, arraseo? Good night dongsaeng, saranghaeyo.” L.Joe covered himself with blanket and drove off to sleep. “Ne arraseo oppa, sleep well too. Nado saranghae.” She smiled and went to a deep sleep.


-Next morning-

L.Joe’s POV

“ughh…” I shrugged off my blanket and looked up to check my dongsaeng. She’s still in a deep sleep. I giggled at her expression. She looks cute but it’s just too bad that she’s tall and boyish. I went outta ma bed and eventually shocked when my phone rung and it went like “Lalalalalala2x lalalalalalala… Oh baby you got me crazy~” #Teentopmodeon B). I quickly grabbed my phone and pick the call up.


“Oh L.Joe-ah, this is Eomma. Are you ready for today’s flight?”

“Ne, I will pack later as fast as I can, also with Chris.”

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