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“Hey, I’m back.” Chris opened the door and walked into the party room, greeted by Zelo first. Even though she didn’t wear feminine set like before, it still wow-ed Zelo with her appearance.

“What?” she stared at the WOW-ing Zelo. His mouth gapped wide. “Oh um…. Nothing, you just look gorgeous… Err…” he nervously cleared his throat and blushed away. Chris’ cheeks reddened a little too.

“Thanks haha.” Letting out a fake laugh.

“No problem, no let’s just take a pic dude…” he dragged her to the place where the photosession will be held. Everyone was already waiting for her and got into their own positions.

“Now Imma set the camera.” Chunji set the camera on the tripod and turned on the timer. “RUUUNNN!!!” He ran as if he’s being chased by a ghost (?) to his phototaking place. “Everybody cheese!”


Everyone smiled well with their teeth shining bright like a pearl under the sea (?)

The picture turned out well. “Ok Joe, you go and have fun with them alright? Teenage party!” The parents patted their son’s shoulder before leaving. L.Joe smiled as they walked out from the party room.

“Hey guys! Let’s take some funny pictures!” the derpy guy Chanyeol suggested and pressed the timer already. “Come here guys!!!”

Everyone quickly ran to his side and all gathering together like a group of minions lined up (?)

“Now do your favorite pose in 3, 2, 1!”

Everybody did different poses. Some stuck their tongue out, some did an IEWH-ish face and some put on a duck face. All of them were just silly except for the 2 person in front.

Chris and Zelo.

The both of them smiled gorgeously at the camera, standing next to each other while doing a calm ‘v’ pose, signing PEACE.

“Oh look who’s different!” Chunji grabbed the camera and showed it to everyone about the 2 gorgeous people in front.

“Wah saeng, why didn’t you tell me that you wanted to do a gorgeous pose?! I’d better follow you rather than acting like a lost-thrown-abandoned cat! (?)” her fake brother pouted cutely. Chris accidentally patted his head. “Haha mianhae, I’ll tell you next time okay.”

“Oops.. Sorry oppa ._.” she then gasped for what she did, patting someone older than her. Daehyun laughed, not caring about her actions and let her off. Soon, Chen (who’s incharge of lighting) turned the lights off.

“HEY PEOPLE!” Everyone looked at D.O, who was shone with the only spotlight since the whole room was already dark. He was talking with the mic, standing on the stage. [A/N: Yes, the party room has a stage LOL]

“So for today’s special occasion, I’d like to invite someone to dance here. Come here Zelo!” he spoke through the mic then the spotlight directed at the electricity pole. Because of that sudden action, Zelo got shocked and froze. He didn’t even breathe (?)

“U-um… I…” he gulped his spit, looking at Chris. She smiled at him with her normal friendly look and patted his shoulders. “Good luck.”

With the word ‘good luck’, Zelo finally built up confidence. “Thanks.” He then walked up to the stage.

“So Zelo, we’ll just be giving you random song, you can do freestyle, right?” D.O asked and suddenly Chanyeol took a mic and acted as an MC too. “Of course there wouldn’t be a problem for him! Besides, someone special is watching~” the derpy guy quietly eyed at Chris, who’s blushing.

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