Group lunch

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No one’s POV

After everyone got ready, they met together in the living room. “So everyone’s here?” Chris looked at the members and checked whether they’re complete or not.

“Okay everyone’s here. Now let’s go into the limo.”

“Wait, did you just say limo???” Himchan suddenly brightened up. “Yeah I did. Why?”

“Wahh, I really wanted to ride a limo for a long time!”

“Then ride it now.” Chris led them to the limo. As usual, everyone’s reactions were like –wow this is fantastic-

“This is awesome Chris! Do you ride this everyday?” Sulli looked around the limo and took a can of soda.

“Not really. Starting from the 2nd day of school, Zelo and I made a deal that we both will skate to school together. Oh, by using skateboard.” Said Chris. The whole limo stayed quiet. “What.” Chris coldly said.

“Um n-no. J-just e-epic.” Sunhwa stuttered. “I think that’s just normal.” Chris calmly said while eating her favorite biscuit waffle.

As they talked, they soon arrived at the restaurant for dinner. Chris ordered a private room only for the 10 of them. The 4 girls sat in 1 row along with Youngjae while the other 5 boys sat in the opposite. Chris sat in the opposite of Zelo while Sulli with Himchan, Yongguk with Hyosung and Sunhwa with Daehyun. Youngjae sat beside Sunhwa since the opposite seat can only fit 5 people.

“So what would you like to order?” the waiter asked. “Oh we would like to order this… And also this… And that… Bla bla bla…” Each of them pointed at the dish they wanted. After they ordered, awkward silence attacked. Luckily, Zelo started a conversation with Chris, “Hey what was that gun again?”

“Oh it was called Evendi gun. But flame gun originally.”

“How much does it cost? You used Mi-Cash, didn’t you?”

The both electricity pole and skyscraper started talking about CSO. After the both maknae started their conversation, the elders started too. Yongguk and Hyosung talked comfortably. But Sulli and Sunhwa remained quiet and awkward. Chris realized that Sulli was really quiet than usual. So she texted her.

To: Sulli Eonnie

From: Chris

Yah, why are you so quiet?

To: Chris

From: Sulli

I don’t know why but I can’t really talk much since Himchan oppa’s in front of me and he kept on glaring at me >.<

To: Sulli Eonnie

From: Chris

=.=” Don’t be like that, just act normal. And then what’s the matter if Himchan sunbae’s looking at you?

To: Chris

From: Sulli

It’s a kingka of B.A.P man ~.~ And he’s my bias.

To: Sulli Eonnie

From: Chris

Man! Just because he’s your bias but you don’t have to stay quiet awkward. Weirdo -_- Just act normal, arraseo? I don’t wanna waste my credits and I also need to continue my conv. with Zelo. Ciao!

Chris glared at Sulli and she smiled, showing that she will try her best to act normal and cool. Chris gave an ‘okay’ sign and went back to talk with Zelo. Suddenly Himchan called her, “Hey Sulli, why are you smiling? Something funny? J” He smiled to Sulli. Looks like she is really having mental breakdown now.

“Oh um, nothing oppa :D” she smiled back. Chris quietly glare at them, ‘That’s it, act normal.

“Jinjjayo? I guess it’s from your phone? :P” Himchan tried to see Sulli’s phone screen. “Aniyo, jinjja, there’s nothing J” she tried not to stutter so Himchan won’t be suspicious.

“Ah I see, BTW, you’re cute.” He praised Sulli with a warm smile. Oh no. Looks like Sulli’s gonna die. Her heart went dung dung tak dung dung dung tak (?)

“Ah.. Gomawo oppa~” she blushed lightly but thank God Himchan didn’t notice it. “Ne dongsaeng, jinjja you’re cute, just like my little sister~” he pinched Sulli’s cheeks. NO. She’s gonna DIE any second now. Anyway aside from Sulli, Sunhwa was quiet too. Probably because her bias sat beside her. Luckily, she can act normally while talking with Youngjae. Now, let’s see who doesn’t have anyone to talk to:



Okay these both became awkward but since Jongup’s known as the ‘awkward’ in the group, he felt fine with it. Daehyun stared at him in confusion, “Aren’t you bored? Looks like we were left out from them.”

He shook his head, “Ani, I’m fine with it cuz’ I got used to it already. I only need to listen to their conv.” Jongup said as he blended in to others. Now, Daehyun’s forever alone.

“Ah let’s just check twitter then…” he sighed. He took his iPhone 5 and opened twitter. “Oh! @OMGtrolls posted a picture.” He quickly loaded it. He likes troll pictures XD

“What.” He saw the picture with texts.

-Whenever I’m hanging out with my friends, sometimes I don’t have any partner to chat with and cornered myself.-

-Such an awkward situation-

Then at the end, there’s a Forever Alone Meme.

“OMGtrolls can see my situation huh ==” he said. After a few minutes, the food came and they ate a lot. Finally it’s already 3 P.M.

“I guess we should head home”

“Yah, we should let’s go home. I’m tired, I wanna sleep.” Daehyun said. So they went to each of their homes and continued their own activities.

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