As the act continues

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-Break time-

“So… You’re going to eat with Chanyeol hyung?” Zelo asked Chris, who’s still putting the wastes of Bingo papers that she played with Jongup in her drawer.

“Yeah, I think he will bring his friends too.” she simply said. ‘Uh uh uh, I’m not going to bring you Zelo. HAH.’

Zelo felt kinda hurted because he wasn’t even offered by her to join. It wasn’t his right though, so he let it be.

“A-alright t-then… I’ll just eat with my hyungs…” he stuttered and that was so obvious that he’s disappointed.

‘Gosh Zelo, I’m only eating with Chanyeol oppa and you’re already sad? Geez -_-‘ Chris thought in her mind and walked off. “Bye Zelo. See ya later neh!”

“Bye…” he replied. ‘Why must it be Chanyeol hyung. Why not me?! And since when she’s so closed with that derp -_-‘

“Just you wait Chanyeol hyung. FOR THE SAKE OF GOD SHE WON’T BE YOURS.” He said to himself.


-At the canteen-

“Hey Chris!!!” This time it’s Chanyeol’s turn to wave like a drowning person.

“Hey too, so where are we gonna eat? BTW the plan turned out well, Zelo looked so jealous and sad. LOL” she told Chanyeol what happened since the beginning too. He laughed a lot.

“Hahaha I’m pity of him, really. But I guess we have proven it, he likes you~” Chanyeol swayed and swayed and swayed for thousand times like the girls who did the samba or hula or whatever dance in Hawaii (?)

“Stop that stupid dance Chanyeol sunbae. That doesn’t suit you. It’s like the ground and sky when you compare your stupid dance with the real beautiful hula dance.” She commented in disgust.

“Hey, it’s Chanyeol OPPA.” He bolded and turned on the caps lock on the word ‘OPPA’ (?) [A/N: Ok don’t ask me how]

“And you have to act like very cheerful and happy with me since it’s still in an act. Don’t be cold like that lah~” he pinched her cheeks and that was exactly when Zelo saw them too.

‘Dafuq he pinched Chris’ cheeks -.- I DON’T EVEN GET ANY CHANCE TO DO THAT!’ Zelo eyed from the corner when he was walking alone to the canteen.

“Don’t tell me Chris’ going to be happy with that…” he’s talking to himself again while eyeing those OH-NEW-FRIEND partner.

Actually Chris wanted to slap his hands away for being so IEWH-ish but based on the plan, she must acted happy and romantic with Chanyeol. And the thing is, she knew Zelo was eyeing them cuz’ her instinct was quite strong. So, she went off with the scenario.

“Ok I won’t~” she pinched his cheeks back and whispered to him. “Sunbae, I can feel Zelo’s presence here. Act as good as you can.”

Chanyeol then nodded and tried to act romantic too.

‘The f*ck?! She pinched him back?! Hiash, what on earth is happening?!’ Zelo mentally slapped himself for 31240712038497 times till his cheeks were bleeding and lack of blood (?)

“Aww it hurts!!!” he did a cute hurted face which made Zelo to vomit rainbow (?)

“I’m so sorry dear~ Let’s go to eat with your friends then!” Chris then grabbed Chanyeol’s wrist and dragged him to the canteen. She glanced at Zelo secretly, just for a while. He didn’t notice it since he was looking down at the floor. Miserably.

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