Basketball Practice

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-The next day during economics class-

“Okay, class. Please submit your homework now.” The teacher-ish teacher said. Everyone but Sunhwa passed their homework.

“Sunhwa? Homework?” the teacher looked at Sunhwa. The whole class had their eyes glued on her. Sunhwa was nervous.

“S-sir, I-I a-accidentally th-threw it i-into the r-r-r…”

“You what?” the teacher questioned her.

“I-accidentally-threw-my-homework-into-the-rubbish-bin.” Sunhwa said quickly like a LTE rap.

“So, for your consequence, you have to buy a new one in the library and redo all the homework. Give it on Friday.”

“Yes, sir. I’m fine with it as long as you won’t be mad at me.” Sunhwa said, relieved.


After economics class, they had 2 more periods then they had break. After they had break, they had PE class.

“Okay now, we’re gonna play basketball.” The coach announced. “The girls will play first. 5 on 5.”

Chris was with Hyosung, Sulli, Sunhwa and another girl who can’t really play.

“Now, the game starts!” the coach threw the basketball up. Chris hit the ball and passed it to Hyosung. Hyosung dribbled the ball and passed it to Sulli. Sulli caught it and tried to shoot but another girl from the other team hit the ball but she failed so the ball went out.

“Out!” the coach said.

Sunhwa passed the ball to the girl who can’t really play. She caught it and was about to shoot. “Chris!” she shouted. “Sorry if I can’t score because I’m so short and I was born this way!” (?) #ladygagamodeon

That girl squatted and shot the ball while squatting so low and of course, she didn’t score. The ball didn’t even go up half of the ring. Chris face palmed.

“Whatever, it’s okay.” Chris said. But luckily, Sunhwa caught the ball and shot it to the goal from the 2-pointer line.

“2-0!” the coach said.

‘Yea.’ Chris thought. Then, it was the other team’s ball. Chris blocked the girl when she wanted to pass the ball to her friend. Chris got the ball.

“Yea! Go Chris!” Zelo cheered as Chris shot another goal from the 3-pointer line.


“Uuuh.” One of the girls from the other team groaned.

The girl from the other team quickly passed the ball to another girl and she dribbled and passed it to another girl and she shot a goal.


And they continued playing. At the end, of course Chris’ team won. The score was 62-49.

It was because when it was 3 seconds left, Chris shot the ball into the goal when it was 0 seconds left.

“YEEAA!” Zelo cheered loudly. “Buzzer Beater!!! Nice one Chris!!”

Not only B.A.P members but also his fans stared at him strangely. Zelo was embarrassed of course. “Yah maknae-ah, why are you screaming like crazy? And since when you’re so supportive???” Yongguk asked him in lower voice.

“Yeah, since when you support Chris that much?”

Questions started to gather up. “Since when are you that hyperactive? I thought last time you were cool and calm.”

Beside B.A.P members, the crazy fangirls started blabbering too, “Yah oppa, why do you really support her? Why don’t you support us instead? Our team’s up next.”

“Yeah! Our team’s much better. Don’t need to support that ugly skyscraper hahahaha.” The fangirls mocked. Zelo can’t stand it anymore so he shouted quite loud.

“Please calm down everyone!” they suddenly kept quiet. Chris stared at him too. “I’m officially Chris’ best friend so it’s not a problem for me to support her, alright?” he said his sentences firmly and correctly. After a few seconds silence, the fangirls started to chitchat loudly. “Yah why should it be that girl huh.” A fangirl smirked quiet loud till Zelo can hear it but he ignored it of course. Without noticing, the coach blew the whistle, “Okay this time, boy’s basketball match! Team A will be Zelo, Jongup, Niel, Changjo and Ricky. Team B will be Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae and L.Joe.

Oppa’s even joining? Haha shortest of all.’ Chris thought in her mind, trying not to laugh. ‘This time it’s my turn to support Zelo. But I need to support oppa too.’ Chris started to get dilemma.

“Okay start!” the coach threw the ball up and Zelo caught it first since he’s the tallest of all.

“Go Zeloooooooooo!!!!!” Chris screamed so loud which made her best friends startled, “Yah since when are you that talkative huh? Just now Zelo supported you, and now you’re supporting him? ==”

“You made me flinch!” the 3 best friends were murmuring a lot. Chris stopped them, “Come on. We are now officially best friends, remember? So it’s ok if we support each other then.”

Sunhwa glanced at Hyosung and Sulli. Then decided to talk, “Don’t you know the fangirls here are so crazy. If you were really over supportive, those fangirls would smack you down.”

“So what? Like if they can.” Chris was being over confident. “I’m tall. The tallest female student at school. What can they do? Don’t need to be afraid guys.”

“I know, that’s why you’re lucky since you’re tall. What if you aren’t? You would already been bullied since the first day.”

Chris sighed, “Yes I know. As long as it’s fine now then I don’t have any problem. Now please excuse me cuz’ I need to support Zelo.”

“Not your brother instead?” Sulli eyed at Chris. She shook her head, “No. I can’t break the best friend promise.”

“Hey what best friend-”

“Go Zelo!! Hwaiting!! Shoot it! Go!!!” she shouted like a crazy fangirl. Hyosung sighed, “Where did the cool-calm-rude-cold Chris went huh?”

Chris just ignored her and continued cheering. Zelo scored 3 points. “That’s it Zelo! You’re good!!!!” she shouted even louder than the fangirls. It was loud enough for Zelo to hear. He smiled to her and winked. As he winked, Chris’ expression turned bad.

“IEWH Zelo. Why should you wink? So IEWH-ish.” She made an –IEWH- look. Sulli was so confused. Just now Chris was cheering so loud like a die-hard fan. Now? Saying Zelo iewh? LOL that’s weird.

“What’s with you? Just now you were crazy of cheering him and now you gave an –IEWH- look? Zelo’s so cute with that wink ya know!” Sulli kept on talking to Chris.

“That ‘cheering stuff’ is a must even though I don’t want to. Actually I wanna cheer him but not like a crazy fan girl. But I’ve got no choice, he asked me to do that so it will be loud enough for him so hear me.”

Sulli nodded in understanding.

Hmm… Looks like oppa’s having difficulties. Hah, shorter one XD’ Chris thought. Her oppa was having difficulties in basketball since he’s the shortest beside Ricky and versus Zelo’s team, which is also known as the tall team. But he scored some points since he’s good in basketball. He took advantage in laying up cuz’ he really specialized in that. The match finally ended and as Chris predicted, Zelo’s team won.

“Okay! Team A won!” the coach announced. “Yooohooo!!!” Team A was shouting in happiness. “Victory for maknae line!!!” they cheered while Team B was disappointed. But it’s only a practice though.

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