I kissed the morning goodbye

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A week had passed and everything was great. Harry had just started in the band officially, which was a bit weird, but he's loving it. It was coming up to Christmas, my favourite time of the year! Sophie had invited us to spend it in one of those treehouse cabins, I was so excited!

'Soooo, guys, guess what!' Soph came running into the kitchen.

'What?' I asked.

'We've set a date for the wedding!'

'Oh my gosh!' Me and Taylor jumped up.

'We have to go dress shopping!' Tay screamed.

'Actually, I have something for you guys'

She handed us both a box with our names on it and a card.

Will you be my bridesmaid?

I stared at those words on the card for ages.

'Well?' Soph asked.

Me and Taylor looked at each other before both shouting yes! We ran and jumped on Sophie.

'This definitely calls for a celebration! Let's go shopping for some new outfits and hit the town tonight!' Taylor was jumping up and down.

'Sounds good to me!' I agreed.

'It's a good thing you're both single by the way, because Jake has some hot friends' Soph winked.

'Sweet!' Tay laughed.

'Chop chop then, let's get shopping!'

The 3 of us quickly put our shoes on before heading out to town.

'Wait! Selfie time!' I shouted before quickly taking a picture and uploading it to Instagram with wedding emojis.

I put my phone away as we went and shopped to our hearts content.


'Guys, I am so tired. My feet are about to fall off' Taylor exclaimed as we sat on a bench.

'Me too, I've never shopped like that in my life' I agreed.

'Let's make our way back and nap before tonight!'

'Agreed!' Me and Soph said in unison.

As we were making our way back, we bumped into Tris and Harry.

'What are you guys doing here?! Sorry, I would hug you both but as you can see my hands are a bit full'

'We can see!' Tris laughed.

'Soph's getting married! Oh, sorry, guys this is my brothers bestie Harry. Harry this is Soph and that's Taylor' I introduced everyone quickly.

'Congratulations Sophie' Harry said with a smile.

'Do you guys want help with your bags? I'll drive you back to uni' Tris offered.

'Oh T, you're a life saver'

The boys took our bags and we got in the car. Tris' phone rang and he had it connected wirelessly to his phone so he hit the answer button.


'Yo Tris'

'Oh hey Brad' Tris made eye contact with me in the mirror.

'Isn't that-'

'Shhh' I nudged Taylor.

'What you up to man?'

'Oh, nothing really. Just with Harry in London'

'Cool, what you doing tonight? Let's go out, James was thinking Mahiki'

Me and the girls all looked at each other. I tried signalling to Tristan to say no but he didn't see.

'Yeah sounds cool man, we'll be there'

'Cool, see you in a bit man' Brad hung up.

'No!' I shouted.

'What?' Tris asked.

'That's where we're going tonight! Soph's already booked a booth!'

'It's fine, I'll tell Brad to go somewhere else'


'Shit' Tris said, unhappily.

'What is it?'

'Brad just text to say they've booked a booth too'

'Great' I said bluntly.

'It's fine, it's a big club. I bet we won't even bump into you' Tris tried reassuring me.

'Yeah Jas, don't worry. We're with you anyway so we can leave if you ever feel uncomfortable okay?' Soph said.

'Thanks guys' I smiled.


I know I've lost a lot of readers because I was away for a while but if you are still reading thank you!
I hope you're liking it :)

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