"And here's where the magic happens," I said jokingly as I showed Jasmine up to my room. Her plan was originally to just come for the concert and then fly back to America, but we both decided that we missed each other too much and that she needed to stay longer. I suggested two or three days, but Jasmine of course, always taking everything to the extreme, wanted to stay for another week. She'd be missing a ton of university classes, but I suppose that's on her, not me.
Thankfully, when I arrived home that night with Jasmine in tow announcing that we had a house guest for a full seven days, my mum agreed wholeheartedly and was even excited to get to meet Jasmine after all this time. It's not everyday that I bring home friends, especially ones from America.
"Ha, yeah, 'cause you have tons of magic happen up here," she responded sarcastically to my comment before dropping her bag atop my bed, kicking her Converse off, and proceeding to recline in the chair stationed at my computer desk. The girl did know how to make herself at home.
"Chill, it was a joke," I threw a pillow at her from where I sat on my bed.
"Hey, it might not be anymore what with Al and Michael..."
"What was that?" I heard her, I just wanted to make sure.
"Oh, nothing..."
Jasmine has been staying at my house a few days now, and I've gotta say, she's been acting pretty weird. And not like, normal Jasmine weird either. She hasn't been herself.
It just seems like she's been distant and not as talkative as she was when I visited in Florida or how she normally is on the phone. You could even say she seems distracted. I don't know what she could possibly be thinking about now though, all our social problems, or at least the ones I know about, were pretty much resolved after the concert.
"Jasmine," I asked her on Tuesday afternoon when I came home from school. Just because she randomly decided to drop out of school for a week doesn't mean I'm going to let my grades suffer. "Is something up? You seem kinda distant lately and if something's wrong maybe I could-"
"No, everything's fine," she cut me off real quick and continued scrolling through whatever she was looking at on her phone.
"Denial isn't just a river in Egypt you know," I said in a singsong voice, trying to coax it out of her by being annoying.
She made a scoffing noise. "You sound like my grandmother," Jasmine continued to stare own at her phone.
"I've been told I have an old soul," I busied myself with some math homework, but I had it done within less than five minuets. Easy stuff.
"You know, I'm always here if you need to talk," I tried one more time. I saw her side glance me out of the corner of her eye but I pretended like I didn't.
"There's nothing to talk about," her voice remained steady. Too steady. This is Jasmine we're talking about, she's never serious. If she were really fine, she'd be making a joke about it right now. But, I treat her like I would want to be treated and don't pressure her into telling me anything. Whatever's wrong, it would probably make her want to admit it even less by trying to force it out of her. Besides, if we're really friends, she'll eventually come to me. I just need to wait until she's comfortable. As of now, I go on to talk about what was on my mind just for a change of subject.
"Oh and I've been meaning to tell you," I shut my history textbook, finishing my homework tonight. Thankfully, there wasn't that much this week. "Michael called me yesterday," when I received no response, I took it as a queue to keep going, so I did as much. "He want's all of us- you, me, Al, Char, and the band to get together for lunch or something this weekend. 5sos is staying in Sydney for awhile to be with their parents so Michael wants to see all us again before they have to leave." There was still no reaction out of Jasmine. Strange, I'd think she'd be so excited to meet Michael Clifford again, especially at his request.
After a long moment of silence, Jasmine finally gave her minimal input, "that's nice."
"Yeah," I sighed. "The problem is, I don't really know what I'm going to say to Michael. I think he still kinda likes me but as I've already told you, I realized at the concert that I want to be with Al," and we've been right back to our old close relationship so far this week, only no with Charlotte added into the mix. She doesn't really hang around with her old crew much anymore. "And I also don't know how I'm going to tell Al that I... love him." I added quickly at the end.
"Just go ahead and tell them whatever you think," Jasmine said, still intent on staring at her phone screen. "I'm sure things will work out for you anyways," I wasn't really sure what that last bit was about, but it made me prickle with annoyance. Why was she being so hostile towards me when all I'm trying to do is talk to her? Isn't that what best friends do? Isn't that what we always do over the phone anyway? Of course now, when there's not two whole continents in between us, she has to act all weird and closed up.
"You know, if you don't want to talk to me, you could just say so. I don't have a problem with you sitting alone and wallowing in PMS," I retorted. She put down the phone and stared at me with an expression that mimicked the way I felt.
"I'm not PMSing, I just don't want to listen to you whine about your problems all the time. I'm supposed to be on vacation, remember?"
"Whine?" I couldn't believe she was saying that. "Well, you've never had a problem with m whining before now. And I was just trying to ask for your advice, but apparently you're unfit to give it," I huffed and picked up my phone, ready to be done with this conversation.
"Like I said, everything turns out just the way you want it anyway, so you don't need my advice. You know, I think I'm gonna make a run to Starbucks. Maybe they won't be all up my ass about personal problems twenty four seven," she grabbed her purse and stormed out of my room. Wow.
You know, after everyone kissing and making up at that concert, I thought stuff like this was finally going to clam down. Charlotte was back to being my friend, Michael and I were no longer unsure of what we thought of each other, and Al and I... well, we're going wherever the wind takes us at the moment but at least we're happy. But, judging by that lovely display, it seems like Jasmine might get in the way of things calming down.
And the worst part is that I don't even know what her problem is.
End of part 38.
Poor, clueless Lacey. These characters just are not the smartest, am I right? I mean, who raised these people?
Okay, I think all the same people that read my Dan and Phil fanfiction "What We Really Think" read this one too, so I'm just going to announce this here:
I know I said I would start updating Mondays and Fridays, but my summer really is very busy so I only have so much time and honestly, a lot of time goes into planning a story as a whole, outlining the chapter, and then writing it so I tend to barely get my daily update for this story done every day. SO, I've decided that I'm going to finish this story before I write anything else since there are literally six more chapters left and I already have them outlined and ready to be typed. It may only be three or four more days since I might do double updates sometimes.
THEN, after I finish it, I will celebrate and dance around my room of course, but then I will start updating the other story daily! Deal? Dose that sound good to y'all? I'm so sorry, it's just that I want to write my best and I don't think I can do that with having to cram in planning and writing of two whole chapters from scratch into an already busy day. I think this is for the best. BUT DON'T WORRY, ONLY SIX MORE DAYS TOPS. :)
With that said, I will end this long ass authors note and let y'all get on with your business. Have a lovely day and stay courageous. <3
Song of the day: Heathens by Twenty One Pilots (ITS SO GOOD)
Question of the day: What is your favorite color to paint your nails? While my favorite color in general is pink, I think my favorite nail color is going to have to be black because it literally goes with every outfit and it's simple and classic and I like it. :3
Wish We Could Turn Back Time m.c
FanfictionLacey and Michael go way back. They knew one another back in elementary school! Unfortunately, the two have lost contact by now and Lacey is left feeling like just another fan. Besides her never ending quest to re gain Michael's attention via Twitte...