never a boring moment.

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(okay song on the side, Christina Perri's song,  Arms, this is song goes well with them so check it out! and i love her too! hahaha)

JAN....19... Wed...1:12pm......

I keep my eyes closed tight, trying to make the spinning stop and i start feeling like im going to be sick again,

"Here this will help." Drew says puting a ice pack to my head and yes it does feel good very good, 

"You could've warned me about the sea sickness." he says, 

"Sorry, i didn't know ive never been on a boat." i say, 

I had only found out myself that i dont like boats 20 minutes after we had left, about the time i puked all over his feet, i hadnt meant to and after being mad for a few minutes he told me to lay down and i did and i havent puked again but im still kinda sick.

"We're almost there,"he says petting my hair I'm laying on a little couch bench seat whatever, and he's siting beside me, after a while he gets up and walks away and i do start feeling a little better, so I very slowly sit up and look around, I don't see land anymore, just the water all around us. 

"Feeling better?" he asks looking at me and giving me a small smile, 

"Yeah," i say taking a deep breath, 

"Good, can you get up?" he asks, 

"I think so." i say he comes over and helps me up, I'm a little wobbly at first but after a moment he lets me go and i can still stand on my own, so thats good,

"Look." he says pointing out I look out but all i see is water, but then i see it. 

"Land!" i say excited he laughs at me and takes my hand, 

"Yeah, its maybe just 15 More minutes." he says, 

"Thank god," i say, and he laughs again, 

"Well this sucks, being sick." i say looking up at him  

"I know baby." he says kissing my head  I sigh and let him wrap his arms around me i lay my head on his chest and hide my face, as i breathe in i cant help but note i like how he smells, weird but i do, He holds me and doesnt let go until we're close to the island and i sit back down. 

I watch as we get closer and now i can see the house, it looks really pretty from what i see, it does take long to get to it and the dock,

And he helps me get off the boat, and walk up to the house, Its amazing so pretty and open and i can tell it has lots of windows, and i like that since its a beach house. 

"I love beach's." i say sighing and looking around smiling. 

"I know you do." he says smiling at me

"I always have." i say shruging 

"I know i remember." he says laughing 

"Why did you even get a beach house though? " i ask wondering i never even knew about it, he sighs and i look over at him, and i see him slightly blushing and looking strait ahead. 

"What?" i ask. 

"I just wanted a place to be alone." he says 

"You hate being alon." i say rolling my eyes at him, it was true he didnt have many friends but i know its hard for him to be alone, thats why he likes always having me so he doesnt have to be alone with his self or thoughts, that is when he ends up drunk again. 

"Well not all alone." he says 

"Okay, so you wanted a place to take girls so what?"  I say shruging no big deal i guess, but then why does that upset me a little to think of him having other girls here and alone, and him just being with another girl? i thought i stoped careing about his 'love life' but i guess not..... 

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