Part 1

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It's been a long day of training, and you're exhausted. You head into the girls' dorm, walking toward the bed that you and Krista shared.

"Hey, (y/n)!" Krista waved at you, waving you over to the bed you had top bunk on. "What's up, Krista?" You ask, a bit confused about why she was asking you to come over.

"(Y/n), you'll never guess what's happening tonight!" You raise your eyebrows. "What is it?" She just beams at you and holds out a note.

You read it. "Wait, really?" She smiles deviously.

"It was on your bed when I got here, figured I'd open it up. Besides, you know I can't keep stuff like that from you!"

It's a note. From Reiner. "How the- how did he even get in?" You mutter. Unfortunately, Krista heard you say that. "Well..." she said. "He had some help."

"From you?"

"Yeah..." She turns pink.

Reiner had had a huge crush on you ever since you got your salute wrong and he helped you with it. Of course, helping was just his way of saying, 'Guiding your hands while trying to stay in contact with them and you doing all the real work.' Your salute had improved over the years, fortunately. He hadn't needed to help anymore. You had actually tried to forget him after that.

"(Y/n). Hey, (y/n)!" Krista waved a hand in front of your face.

"Sorry, I guess I spaced out."

"Are you going to read it aloud?"

"No! What... why would I?"

"Come on..."

You sigh. "Fine."

You start to read it aloud.

"Hey, (y/n). I was wondering if you'd want to come to the forest in a bit? Like tonight maybe? If you want to, wear dark clothes and meet me by the mess hall. Well, hope to see you there! -Reiner"

Snickers broke out among the girls and your face turned red.

"So are you going to go?" Asked Annie, who had a bunk a few over from you, and she had heard you. "It was just going to be me, Bertholdt, and Reiner, but you can come too."

"Um, yeah. Sure."

The snickers turned into confused nervous laughter.

"Good. Wear black."

You give her a nod and a smile. "Yeah, I'll be there."

(Time Skip)

It's very late, and you are being shaken awake by Annie.

"Come on, do you need a jackhammer or something to get you up?" She whispers.

"Me? No."

"Well, it took me at least 5 minutes to get you up."

"It did?"

"Yeah." She shakes her head. "Why are we even talking about this? At least you wore dark clothes when you fell asleep."

You look down at your shirt and pants. "Yeah, good thing."

She pulls you out of the door and behind the mess hall. Reiner and Bertholdt step out.

"What took you so long?" Reiner asks.

"(y/n) wouldn't get up." Annie replies, jerking her thumb at you.

"Well then!" He smiles brightly at you.

"Hey..." you mumble, face heating up a bit.

"Glad you came! I was thinking I'd have to hang out with these two the whole time!" Reiner says, playfully shoving them but ending up with Bertholdt on the ground.

Firefly (Reiner x Reader) (Eren x Reader) (Bertholdt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now