Chapter 5 (Keep)

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"Well, some people can't." She says.

"I know." Reiner says.

"Stay brave, okay?" She kisses his cheek in a friendly way, but his cheeks still flush pink.

"H-hey, guys. The sun's coming up." Bertholdt points toward the trees, where a sliver of light could be seen.

"So that means we stayed up all night!" Reiner cheers.

"Yep." Bertholdt nods. "Well, except for (y/n). " He points to you. "She fell asleep, remember?"

"So did you and Annie!" Reiner says.

"So just you stayed up." Bertholdt points to Reiner.

"Yeah, I guess so." Reiner shrugs.

"No, he fell asleep too." You say, smirking a bit.

"Aw, was the big sleepy bear asleep?" Bertholdt smiles.

"Big sleepy bear?" You ask

"Just a nickname." Bertholdt shrugs.

"Hey, don't tell her how I got it..." Reiner blushes, staring into the fire.

"Do you want to know how he got it?" Berthodt smirks at you.

"And I'm going to have to stop you right there, Bert." Reiner says.

"Actually, I do want to know how he got it." You smile at Bertholdt.

"Well, I was going to tell you anyway..." Bertholdt smirks.

"No, Bert..." Reiner crosses his arms, sticking out his lower lip.

"Yes, I'm going to tell her." Bertholdt walks over and sits next to you. "Here's what happened."

You lean toward him, smiling a bit. "Tell me."

"Please don't tell her about it?" Reiner's eyes go wide, trying to guilt Bertholdt out of it.

"No, she asked me to tell her. Only fair that I do."

"But it's so embarrassing!" Reiner pouts.

"That's the point." Bertholdt smirks.

Reiner crosses his arms, walking away. "Fine."

Bertholdt leans toward you, whispering in your ear.

(Reiner's POV)

Ugh. Why did Bert have to bring it up? It's so embarrassing...

A couple of years ago, Reiner had stayed up three days straight. Annie and Bertholdt had asked him to go to sleep on the night after the 3rd day, and he went to sleep that night. For the rest of the day after that, he was incredibly sleepy. Since he was such a big guy, and so sleepy, they called him big sleepy bear.

(Your POV)

"So that's it?" You ask Bertholdt.

"Yeah." He snickers.

"That's so adorable!" You laugh.

"Are you done yet?" Reiner sits down, his cheeks flaming with embarrassment.

"Yeah, that's so cute!" You give him a big smile.

"Y-you think so?"

"Yeah! You were so tired!" You say.

His cheeks are still red, and he crosses his arms. "I wasn't that tired..." He pouts.

"Sure you weren't." Bertholdt chuckles. "You fell asleep during training!"

"Maybe I was a bit tired, but not that tired..."

"You were, trust me." Annie pipes up, not looking up from her book.

"I was not!"

"Yeah you were. I beat you, and you lay down for a second, and you were asleep faster than I can say 'titan'. And then you passed out during dinner. Using your bread as a pillow." Annie smirks

"You're making that up, right Bert?" Reiner looks at Bertholdt.

"She's not. It was..." The tall boy thinks for a word. "Interesting."

'Your hair was in your soup!" Annie looks up from her book.

You snicker, making Bertholdt to laugh too. "I-I forgot about that!" He barely manages to get out between breaths.

"This is why I didn't want anyone to talk about this!" Reiner pouts.

You all look at him, cracking up again. Reiner just scowls.

"It's not that funny, guys..." His lips turn down.

"Yes, it is you big bear!" Annie says, her mouth turned up.

"Don't call me that..." Reiner looks at his feet, planted on the ground.

"I will call you that!" Annie announces, tapping Reiner's head with her book.

"Hey, come on!" Reiner's smiling, though.

"So should we go back to the sleep room things?" Bertholdt asks.

"Probably." Annie looks at the sky. It's still pretty dark, but it was clear that if you went back any later it would be to bright to be inconspicuous.

"Let's pack up." Reiner agrees.

"Yeah." You say.

"Reiner, you're on bed stuff. Bertholdt, games. (Y/n), food. I'll be on the fire." Annie says.

"Yep." You three say, getting to work on packing up the site.

(Time skip [10 minutes])

The camp looks like it did. It's actually kind of creepy how fast we got it done.

"Good job, guys. Let's head back." Reiner says.

"Y-yeah." Bertholdt smiles, shouldering the bag.

(Time skip) (Amount of time to walk through a forest back to base)

Annie peeks through the trees. "Oh, no."

"What?" Reiner looks too. "Oh. Oh, no."

"Bertholdt, come over here." Annie says.

Bertholdt walks to Reiner and Annie, looking over their heads. "Oh, th-that's bad."

"What's going on over there?" You ask, walking to the three. You look at what they're talking about, between Annie and Reiner's heads. "Oh. Well then."

All the higher-ups are doing what looks like a search. Eren's there, too.

"Did he rat us out?" Reiner growls.

"Looks like it." Annie whispers to him.

"But he was out too!" You say, annoyed. Very annoyed.

"B-but we can't do anything about that." Bertholdt whispers.

"Bertl, you're right. He's got it better with the commanders." Reiner observed.

"So what do we do now?" Annie asked.

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