Part 2

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"Ch-choose?" You tug at your (h/l) (h/c) hair, your cheeks burning from all the attention.

"Yes, choose." Reiner's voice rumbles in his chest, making you jump a bit. His voice was lower than usual then. You shiver the tiniest bit, leaning into him.

"How can I?"

"What do you mean?" Eren asks

"How can I choose between you guys?"

"What?" They say in unison.

""You heard me."

"Bu-but it's a pretty easy choice." Bertholdt says, obviously unsure of this statement.

"It is?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure you'll choose Eren. He's more trustworthy, and you'll be under protection from the whole Scout Legion and pretty much everyone else." Bertholdt says, looking nervously around.

"But you have to follow very strict rules. When to shift, when to sleep, experiments, when to eat, how to fight." Reiner adds.

"Well, that's true..." You say, thinking.

"That's why you'd be better off with us." Reiner says, moving so your head was against his chest.

"Reiner, quit cuddling. This is serious." Eren rolls his eyes at you, like he was saying, Can you belive the nerve of this guy?

"I know! I'm being serious! I'm reassuring her!"

"Oh, really now." Eren steps away from you and Reiner, skeptically looking at him.

"Look, (y/n). They almost killed Eren with a cannonball when they found out. Do you want that to happen to you, too? Except with real damage." When he says "Real damage", he squeezes you closer. "I don't want to lose you, (y/n)" He whispers.

"Me neither" You grab his hand, holding it.

"What should I do?" You mumble.

"Come on, Reiner. You can't say you're not snuggling without it being a blatant lie." Eren growls.

"Oh, touchy, touchy." Reiner smiles.

"Shut up." Eren flushes, turning away.

"Unless... Do you?" Reiner narrows his eyes

"Do I..." Eren crosses his arms.

"Do you like (y/n)?"

"What? No..." Eren turns away, slapping his cheeks. "Hey, it's pretty warm, don't you think?"

"Don't change the subject." Reiner growls at Eren.

"Fine, maybe a little bit." Eren mumbles.

"I can't hear you."

"I don't, okay?"

"You're lying."

"No, I'm not!" Eren shouts, moving toward Reiner. Annie steps between them, and Eren backs away slowly.

"Eren, it is pretty obvious you're lying." She says.

"Exactly what I'm trying to say!" Reiner cries, standing up, holding you in his arms.

"Reiner, I can stand by myself." You try to wiggle out of his arms, but he's holding you fast.

"I know that." He still stubbornly holds on.

"Reiner..." You hit his arm.

"Ow, what was that for?" He winces.

"Let me come down, okay?"

Firefly (Reiner x Reader) (Eren x Reader) (Bertholdt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now