Chapter 9 (Keep)

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"What was that all about?" Reiner asks you when the four of you are out the door.

"I – she... we... I don't even know. She never told me about any of that. I don't... I didn't..." You're stammering, still a bit in shock.

"She kept that from you?" Annie asks.

"Yes. No. I don't know." You say.

"G-guys. We have no more than ten minutes to get out before someone f-figures something out. We should go. Ri-right now." Bertholdt looks around, obviously thinking that someone was going to pop out from somewhere. Hoping no one did so.

"We should run... anywhere, really. As long as they don't know where we are." Reiner says, picking you up. Bertholdt does the same with Annie.

"Bertl, you don't have to..." She complains.

"Y-yes, I do. Only two sets of footprints. E-easier to get away with two. They're looking for f-four sets." He says, nodding to Reiner. Reiner takes off, Bertl close behind.

(Time skip, brought to you by chips. Just chips.)

A couple of hours later, the four of you are walking in town. You had changed out of your uniforms, instead buying clothes of civilians. Not good disguises, but maybe they would give the four of you a bit of time.

"Hey, these are actually pretty comfortable!" Reiner tugs on his shirt, which might not have been the best idea to get, because it was long sleeve and the day was hot.

"Reiner. Why did we let you get that ridiculous thing?" Annie asks, waving her fingers at the shirt.

"Hey, it's not that bad, is it?" Reiner pouts.

"Y-yes, it is." Bertholdt is smiling, though.

"You guys..." You giggle.Reiner asks, eyes big and fake pleading.

"You might want to opt for something less

"Here, (y/n). It's not that bad, is it?"

... huge. And black? Why did you get black?" You smile at Reiner.

"So maybe I should take it off?" Reiner asks, a smirk growing on his face as a blush grew on yours.

(Bertholdt's POV)

He watches Reiner shamelessly flirt with (y/n) and felt a second of rage overcome him. He turned away so he wouldn't punch someone. Specifically, Reiner.

It's not like I have even a fraction of a chance of getting with (y/n). Reiner's just rubbing it in my face that she likes him more. I'm hating that guy right now. She's mine. And if she doesn't love me? Well, I'll make her. I will make her love me.

He closes his eyes.

Where did those thoughts come from? 'I will make her love me'? Where did that come from?

It came from the rage, the pure rage still pounding through his body, he realized. But he could never do anything to Reiner. They're best friends. But if Reiner tries anything – anything with her, he's going down. Down.

(Your POV)

"Hey, R-Reiner? C-could you come over here for a second?" Bertholdt asks, his back to the two of you.

"Sure, what is it?" Reiner smiles at you, walking to where Bertholdt stood.

(Reiner's POV)

"Sure, what is it?" I ask, walking to Bertholdt. His back was turned, and as I walked over to the front of him, his eyes gleamed maniacally. He took one step toward me, then another. Two more. One more, and my back scraped against the outside wall of one of the stores. Both of his hands slammed centimeters on either side of my head, as he towered over me.

"She. Is. M-mine. You say anything d-different, you're gone." His eyes darken when he doesn't get an immediate response from me.

"Did you even h-hear me?" Bertholdt asks, both fists curling.

"I did. But she's mine." I say, the bravest smirk on my face I could muster. Bertholdt, on the other hand, looked like he really wanted to slam my face into the wall.

(Bertholdt's POV)

I really want to slam Reiner's face into the wall.

(Reiner's POV)

Bertholdt's hand finds my face, bashing the back of my head into the wall. He does this three more times until Annie pries him off of me. She puts him in a chokehold, forcing him to his knees. A small cut is on my head.

"Reiner, you ok?" She asks, a bored expression on her face as Bertl claws at her arm.

"Not really." I touch the back of my head, it's okay now, but my hair is matted with blood and bits of stone that had chipped off of the wall. Bertholdt's eyes were still blazing as he struggled against Annie.

He said something like, "Blurk" and went limp in Annie's grip.

"Is he going to be okay?" (Y/n) says, stepping to Bertholdt's unconscious body.

"I hope so..." Annie looks at him, then at (y/n), a hardness in her eyes as she looked at her. She shakes her head, looking back to Bertholdt. When she looks back to (y/n), her regular face is back, not a trace of hatred in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" (Y/n) asks, walking over to me.

"Huh? Me? Sure, sure. I just need to clean up somewhere." I smile at her, standing up.

"We should find somewhere other than the streets to sleep." She says, walking back to Annie, holding the still unconscious Bertholdt in her arms gently, but not too gentle, in case he woke up with the same hate. I head in the same direction as her.

"Good idea." I say to (y/n). "How about there?"

At the end of the street is an inn.

"Might as well check it out." She says.

So I step toward the inn. The sign says 'Vacancy'.

We should just hope they didn't forget to change the sign.

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