Chapter 10 (Tell)

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Muscle wrapped around your arms and legs almost immediately, then your torso and finally, your face. Making your vision blurry.

You felt your body rise, new bones forming at the tips of your fingers and toes. Muscles wrapping around those. You felt your feet bursting through the walls of the well.

Your eyes traveled upwards, the mouth of the well now only a few inches away.

You felt skin, almost unraveling on the muscles of your titan. Small suctions covered your skin. You lifted up a now gargantuan hand, almost completely covered in skin. The other hand latches onto the rim of the well, then the other.

You hear Hanji's muffled whoop. Then, you pull yourself up and out.

(A few hours later, brought to you by muzack. Because elevator music can't be beat)

Your back was aching, legs too. Anywhere below your hands was covered in blood.

Hanji had kept you for over five hours, experimenting on you. Trying to figure out what was going on with titans.

And you were so hungry. Ugh. It's probably past lunch.

Eren runs over to you. "Hey, (y/n)!" He says excitedly.

"Hey, Eren." You trudge one more step, then fall.

"(Y-y/n)! Eren cries out, dropping beside you.

"I'm okay, but can I just say that that monkey is a lawyer?" You say, pointing at Erwin, who was passing by, hands full of papers. He obviously heard you, the way his face contorted, trying not to laugh.

"Are you okay?" Eren asks, lifting your head.

"Perfect. Hey look! A horse!" You yell, pointing at Jean. Then, you start laughing hysterically.

"Let's get you out of here..." Eren says, picking you up. "Jean, could I have some help?" he asked.

"Why? She just called me a horse..." Jean says, walking over. As soon as his hand connects with your shoulder, he yelps. "Ow! Hot!"

"Stop it with the compliments, Jean..." Eren says. "I know she's hot. Now help her to her room."

It took the better part of an hour to drag you to the girls room. You try to help, but you keep making wrong turns. When you finally collapsed on your bed, you fell asleep immediately.

"Finally..." Jean complains, rubbing his shoulder. "She's heavy..."

"That's because you're weak..." Eren shakes his head as though that was obvious.

"Shut up, titan boy!" Jean says, mad.

"Why are you still here anyway?" Eren asks.

"I want to make sure she's okay!" Jean crosses his arms. "When she wakes up, I mean."

"She'll be fine. Please go away now? Right now? I know how to handle this stuff. I have lived through it, after all." Eren says, putting his hands on his hips. "Leave."

"Ugh, fine. You just want your own private titan time." Jean rolls his eyes, walking out.

"I hope you'll be okay..." Eren whispers, brushing a strand of (h/c) hair out of your face. "After all, it is Hanji you worked with..." He shivers, covering you with a blanket. "I'll see you in a few minutes." He waits, as though expecting a response. "I like you, (y/n). A lot. Thank you for choosing me." He whispers, then leaves. Almost noticing the faint smile on your lips.

The door closes.

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