Chapter 12 (Tell)

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(Bertl's POV)

There. All done.

(Y/n)'s entire body is relaxed as apply the slightest bit of pressure to her back.

"You're done. Reiner, unwrap her head?" I say, rubbing her shoulders a bit. His eyes are transfixed, and I take one of my hands off her shoulders to snap in front of his face. "Reiner!"

"S-sorry." His face is red as he unwraps her head.

"Now then. (Y/n). Do you know why you didn't heal immediately?" I ask her, both of my hands back to her shoulders.

"No..." She mumbles, practically asleep.

"Be right back, okay?" I say in a sweet voice.

(Your POV)

Two hands are pulling the bandage off of your head carefully. Reiner's hands. You recognize his golden hair immediately. Bertl – Where is he? You remember a slight pressure on your shoulders. Bertl's hands. Whatever he did, it worked. Your shoulders aren't sore anymore. But what about your back? There he is again, carrying a cup of something carefully. The cup steams. Probably tea. He lifts it to your lips, pouring a bit down your throat. Not tea. Definitely not tea. It's spicy, like peppers. Or liquid fire, slightly diluted. You choke, spitting it out.

"Alright, I'm up, I'm up." You say, wiping your mouth. Still a thousand stings from wasps inside it. "Anything to help the whole lava situation?"

"Ah, yes." Bertl comes back in an instant with some milk, giving you some, spoonful by spoonful into your mouth. "Here, lay on your stomach, okay?" Bertl asks, grabbing a jar of something. "And, ah..." He flushes.

"Take off your shirt." Reiner interrupts.

"What?" You ask, a blushing mess. Annie sighs, going to the other room.

"I have to get your back..." Bertl mumbles.


(Reiner's POV)

And she's doing it. And I can't see anything. Her back is to me. Damn.

(Bertl's POV)

And she's doing it. And her front is to me... Great.

(Your POV)

You lay on your stomach, the material of the bed below you soft. Very soft. You feel hands unclipping the back of your bra, one clip, then the other.

"What are you doing?" You ask. Your hand going to your back.

"Do your really want your... um... bra... to get all oily?" Bertl asks, opening the jar. It smells like (f/smell). He puts a little bit on your back. "Is it too hot?" The liquid is warm.

"No, it's fine." At those words, Bertl puts some more on your skin, rubbing it in a bit.

(Bertl's POV)

She's drifting in and out of sleep as I rub circles onto her back. Reiner is cooking some pasta and red sauce. Why pasta? I had asked. He'd just shrugged.

"Reiner." I say, almost asleep myself.


"Where's Annie?"

"No, idiot."

He looks around. "She's not in her bed?""I'll look for her." Reiner says, abandoning the stove.

"I will too." I answer.

Reiner goes outside while I look into the other room. She's not there. Then, Reiner screams and the lock clicks on both the front door and this door. I can hear Reiner pounding on the door.

(Eren's POV)

The locks click in place. (Thank you, Levi and Hanji) (Y/n) is on one of the beds, facedown, and covered in some sort of lotion. I grab her shoulders, and she's topless. She starts to sit up. I blush, and Levi pushes her back down gently. I take the two sides of her bra, trying to put them together. It can't be that hard, right?

Wrong. It takes four tries and Hanji to finally get it clipped. I feel like such an idiot.

"Tch. That took long enough." Levi pushes himself off the wall, getting her shirt. He tosses it to me. I fumble with it for a second, tossing it to (y/n). Then I hear wood splintering from the front door. Another bang. There's a small crack in the door by the knob. We look at each other worriedly. We have two minutes, maybe less, until Reiner gets in. She puts on her shirt, still a bit dazed. Levi and Hanji are talking about something as I run over to (y/n).

"Hey." I say, sitting down.

"Hi, Eren." She blinks, rubbing her eyes.

"Sorry." I say, picking her up. There haven't been any bangs from the front door recently, so I assume Reiner went somewhere else. Where, though? No time to ask. We have to get out. Levi nods at Hanji, unlocking the front door. Looks like they've come to the same conclusion. We rush out the door. Reiner is there, as if waiting for us. His wound is gone when I had to stab his shoulder to push him out. I'm sure Levi and Hanji are wondering about that too.

"Hello, kids. I was wondering when you'd show up." Reiner says.


Sorry for not updating sooner, guys! I've had a lot of school and ish, so the chapters will probably be out less frequently, but they'll probably be longer chapters.

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