Chapter 6 (Keep)

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"So what do we do now?" Annie asked.

"I think we should probably go away from here. That might be a good idea." Reiner whispers.

"That's probably what we should do." Bertholdt moves away, then Reiner and you. Annie moves away last.

"Come on." Bertholdt says. The three dash into the forest effortlessly. Making no sound.

"Yep..." You whisper, following as best you can.

About 15 minutes later, you're gasping for breath after running at full speeds for so long.

"A-are you ok?" Bertholdt asks you, stopping a bit in front of you. He looks over his shoulder at you, doubled up and gasping.

"Yep, just great." You barely manage to get out between breaths.

"No, y-you're not okay. Come on, we're almost th-there." He walks over to you, squatting down with his back to you.

"What? Bertl, I'm okay."

"Get on, I-I can tell you're exhausted."

"Fine, can you carry me though?" You ask.

"Yes. I hope so, a-at least."

You approach him cautiously. "Last chance to get up and leave me..."

"I would n-never do that. Believe me when I say this. I won't l-leave you if you need my help." He looks back at you. "Come on."

"All right..." You get onto his back. It's surprisingly muscular, and he stands up easily.

"I'm g-going to run now, is that okay?"

Your hands tighten on his shoulders. "Yep."

He takes off running, actually very fast running.

You and Bertholdt make it to the clearing where Annie and Reiner are already waiting pretty fast.

"Hey, guys." Reiner says, shooting a glare at Bertholdt.

"H-hi." Bertholdt smirks at Reiner, crouching down so you can get off.

"Thanks, Bertl!" You smile at him, and his face goes tomato red.

"Y-yeah. No problem." He smiles back at you.

"Anyway, lovebirds. We have a problem." Reiner says, still glaring at Bertholdt.

"Yeah, we do. Someone told them about us." Annie folds her arms.

"We know who that someone is." Reiner crosses his arms too.

"W-we do." Bertholdt sighs.

"So what do we do?" You ask, looking nervously from Reiner to Bertholdt to Annie

"We figure out how to prove him wrong." Reiner says.

"And how does that work? Everyone trusts him more than us. Everyone." You throw your hands up in frustration.

"I... I have no idea. We just have to do it." Reiner sits down, rubbing his forehead.

"W-we could... Never mind. Stupid idea." Bertholdt sighs, leaning against a tree.

"Spit it out, Bertl. We need any ideas we can get, stupid or not." Annie walks up, stopping next to him.

"F-fine... do I have to tell you guys?" Bertholdt looks down at Annie, face an even brighter red than before.

"Yes." Annie arches an eyebrow, smirking at Bertholdt.

"It's stupid, b-but we could try to get on their good s-sides." Bertl says quietly

"We could what?" Reiner asks.

"I said... I-I... you know w-what? N-never mind." Bertholdt shakes his head, as if trying to rid himself of the very idea.

"No, that might work." Annie looks to Bertholdt, smiling.

(Bertholdt's POV)

It was a stupid idea. But Annie might be able to think of a way to make it better. Maybe. Probably not. Oh, she's looking over at me. She probably thought of a great idea.



"I said, that might work." Her eyes glowed as she looked up at his face.

"Wh-what? Really? H-how?" A small smile caught his lips.

"We get on their good sides. Here, I'll call the others over. Hey Reiner! (Y/n)! Come over here for a second."

Reiner and (y/n) walked over, Reiner crossing his arms and smirking, (y/n) looking a bit nervous.

"Won't getting on their good sides take a while?" (Y/n) asks Annie.

"Revenge is best slow cooked. Isn't that what they say?" Reiner says to her.

"No." She says. "But good try. Close enough." She looks over at Bertholdt, smiling a smile that looked like it meant something was on her mind. He couldn't help it, a small shiver went down his spine.

Focus, you idiot. This is important. Stop getting distracted by this particular girl. But she's just so beautiful.

(Your POV)

"Ugh." Bertholdt said quietly, closing his eyes and tilting his head back.

"What is it?" You ask.

"Huh? D-did I say something?" Bertholdt blinks, looking at, you, then quickly looking away.

"You said, 'ugh.' Did you think of another idea?" Annie asks him.

"No. Just... a lot on my mind." He gives her a smile.

"Sure..." Annie glares at you, then smirks.

"You guys... there are more important things right now..." Reiner says. "I think Bert's idea is the best option we have. Just convince them we weren't camping, get on their good sides, have it even better than Eren, and then get him in trouble."

"P-pretty much..." Bertholdt looks down at the ground, glaring at it.

"We can do it, can't we?" Reiner smiles at all three of you, his eyes lingering on you for a second too long.

"We can." Annie nods.

"I hope so..." You say in thought.

"Me too." Reiner's hand closes on yours, squeezing it lightly, then letting it go.

"Y-yeah." Bertholdt says. He looks with contempt at where your and Reiner's hands were joined a second before, then closes his eyes, letting himself slide to the ground.

"You okay, Bert?" Reiner touches Bertholdt's shoulder with the hand he had just held yours with. Bertholdt flinched from his touch.

"Yes." Bertholdt avoids Reiner's concerned gaze, instead glaring at his feet.

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