Chapter 6 (Tell)

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You wake up, light flooding the room. You try to get up, but Eren's arms are locked firmly around your waist.

"Hey. Eren. Wake up, or at least move." You bat at his arms.

His face buries into the pillow, and a small moan escapes his mouth. It would be cute if you weren't trapped in his embrace.

"HEY, TITAN BOY! GET UP!" You yell into his ear.

""What...?" He opens his eyes slowly, eyes still groggy from sleep.

"Get off me..." You hit his arm once more for good measure.

"Ow! Okay, okay! I'm up!" He rubs his arm. "That hurt, (y/n)..."

"I'm sorry, you weren't budging. Drastic times call for drastic measures." You smile at him.

He just yawns in response, standing up and realizing he didn't have a shirt on. "I-I'm sorry, (y/n)!" He grabs it from your floor, cheeks flushing.

"You'd better be sorry..." You stick your tongue out at him as he puts the shirt on.

(Time skip, brought to you by granola bars as a midnight snack)

"Now we're late for breakfast!" You complain, hurrying down the stairs with Eren next to you.

"It's not my fault!" He sighs.

"Yes, it is. It really, really is." You say as you enter the dining room. You are met with sudden silence as every head turns in your direction.

"What's going on?" You whisper to Eren.

"I have no idea, and I don't like it, whatever it is." He whispers back. "Um, hey?" He says louder to the whole room.

A few people nod in greeting at the two of you, but other than that, the whole room is silent. Levi gets up from his table, slowly walking toward the two of you, every step clicking and echoing.

"Jaeger. (L/n). With me now." He walks past you, not bothering to see if you were following or not.

Whispers broke out as you and Eren walked away, rushing after Levi.

When you got to his office, Levi sat at his desk, gesturing to two other chairs. "Sit down."

Eren sits, and you hesitate for a second before doing the same.

"Corporal Levi, what is this about?" You ask.

"Tch. We found your campers. We were skeptical at first, but we sent someone out to check and make sure no one was there. We found them by the fire they made. How did you even know?"

"No reason, I think I saw some light in the trees." Eren says carefully, looking over to you when he says "trees".

"And some people caught the both of you sneaking back to (y/n)'s room in the dead of the night. They said you smelled like the forest, a campfire, and your clothes were a bit singed. Did you find a titan while you were camping with Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, and Annie Leonhardt?" Levi takes a sip of tea, looking at your shocked faces with indifference.

"Wh-what?" You ask.

"You heard me, cadet (l/n). Did you run into a titan while camping with Braun, Hoover, and Leonhardt?" Levi sighs.

"Commander, you-you have all this wrong. We were never camping." Eren sputters, his eyes blazing in fury.

"Tell that to them." Levi stands up, opening the door to Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt. Hanji was there with them, too. Probably so they wouldn't leave.

"What...?" You stare in shock at them. "What are you doing here?"

Reiner is the first to speak. In a choked voice, he says, "I thought we were friends."


"I don't want to hear it." He holds up a hand, using the other to wipe at his eye. Had he been crying?

"(Y-y/n). You acted like we were friends, b-but then... you tell the higher-ups and go with Eren to boot? I-if that's how you treat friends, how do you have any?" Bertholdt spat, not trying to hide the stream of tears coming from his eyes.

(Bertholdt's POV)

"(Y-y/n)." I should stop talking. "You acted like we were friends, b-but then... you tell the higher-ups and go with Eren to boot?" All you're doing is slipping away from all of us. "I-if that's how you treat friends, how do you have any?" He glared in defiance at (y/n), but inside, he felt awful.

I should have just stopped at "(y/n)". I'm a horrible person. No, I'm not. She left us, told on us. Why did I like her anyway? Right, because she's beautiful and smart and everything in between.

One of his tears drops on the ground, the next spattering his shirt.

I'm an idiot. Just a damn idiot.

(Reiner's POV)

Bert, you idiot. Stop talking. Stop being so rude.

"Just stop!" His fist curls, and it takes all his willpower not to hurl it at Bertholdt.

"Wh-" Bertholdt barely got that much out before Reiner's will broke, slamming Bertholdt's jaw. Bertholdt collapses.

"You just don't know when to shut the hell up." His arm pulls back for another blow, but Levi is faster, tripping Reiner backwards, his arm making a sickening crack on the ground.

"I don't want any blood spilled in my office. Got it, Braun?" Levi stands over Reiner, eyes dark. Reiner just nods. "Now all five of you, get out. Now."

(Your POV)

It had all happened too fast, and you were still in a bit of a daze. Bertl and Reiner were lying on the ground, Reiner's arm was bent unnaturally and Bertl was knocked out. Maybe worse than that. You snap out of it in time to hear Levi say, "Now." Eren pulled you up, out of your chair.

"Don't lay a hand on her, titan boy." Reiner growls, standing up.

"What if I do, Reindeer?" Eren crosses his arms.

"Then you're dead." Reiner growls.

"Reiner, you're being really protective over (y/n)." Annie puts her hand on his unbroken arm. Is he just pretending the other is broken now? How were you supposed to know?

You take a step toward Reiner, then another. You're between the three, Reiner and Annie on one side, and Eren on the other. "H-hey, guys... You're all overreacting. Eren, stop being so mad for my benifit. Reiner, quit being so overprotective of me. I know you wanted me to choose you, but I didn't. Get over it. Got it?"

"Y-yes." Reiner whispers, eyes downcast, shoulders slumping.

"Yeah." Eren walks next to you, smiling at Reiner, mouthing "I win."

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