Chapter 3

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"Let me choose!" You yell.

Everyone freezes in place, staring at you.

"Good." Reiner smiles at Eren.

Eren just arches an eyebrow, smirking a tiny bit.

"What, you think you're going to win or something?" Reiner growls, his smile gone in an instant, as most fake smiles go.

"Yes." Eren keeps smirking.

"Quit making this about you guys, this is about (y/n)." Annie rolls her eyes, pushing Reiner back.

"Hey, come on! We aren't!" Reiner protested.

"Sure you aren't." Annie scowls.

"We'll stop." Eren says, still smirking.

"Good, now get that stupid smile off your face." Annie faced Eren.

The smile quickly drooped under Annie's withering gaze.

"Better. You guys, this is serious."

"You've said that too much already." Reiner crosses his arms.

"Maybe I have, but only because it is important. Stop fighting about useless stuff."

"Useless?" Reiner crinkles his brows, confused.

"No..." Eren crosses his arms too, putting on an annoyed face.

"Right now, if you wanted (y/n) to like any of you, you'd be helping her when she needs you. You're both probably too late for her to like any of you now. If you don't pick up your act, Bertholdt might win her heart. We all know none of us would like that." Annie glares at Eren and Reiner, walking over to you and Bertholdt.

(Eren's POV)

None of us would like that. That's what Annie had said before she left. Reiner and I because we both like her, and Annie because... Oh. She likes Bertholdt, doesn't she? And Bertholdt probably likes (y/n). That's why she was so mad. Pick up your act, Jaeger. Do it. Do you want her to be your girlfriend or Braun's? Or Fubar's?

He walks over to you. Smiles. "Hey, (y/n). I'm really sorry about fighting with Reiner." I'm really not, I just want you to like me.

"It's okay, Eren." She says, smiling at him, running a hand through her beautiful (h/c) hair. He felt a shiver running up his back. Focus. Make her like you. Be subtle, though.

"Hey, you alright?" She waved a hand in front of his face.

"Yeah, I'm great. Just perfect. Splendid." His face was bright red, he could tell. Brilliant wording, Jaeger. Maybe you can blow her away with how awkward you are. Great.

"That's good." She smiled, and his heart felt like it might break into a million tiny pieces.

"Ha, yeah. I guess it is. Look, (y/n). I want you to be comfortable with whatever you choose, if you choose to keep it secret, I'm fine. But if you choose to tell, I'll stick up for you. Not like I wouldn't anyway..." I should stop talking.

"Yeah, I know. It's just... I don't want to have to choose between you."

I don't want you to have to, either.

"Yeah, I understand that."

"Y-you do?" A solitary silvery tear fell from her eye.

No. I don't understand.

"Of course I do." He takes a small step toward her, brushing the tear from her cheek with his thumb.

"Oh!" She jumps a bit under his touch.

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