Chapter 9 (Tell)

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"This had better be good. You two have come to my office three times already today." Levi says as soon as he opens the door.

"Trust me, it is. " You say, stepping into his office.

"Sit down, you know what to do." Levi rolls his eyes.

"We have a new ally. Well, not new. You know her already, but she has some interesting... features." Eren says. Levi glances at you when he says "Features".

"If this is about your sex life, please stop telling m-" He's cut off.

"Levi, No! This is the exact opposite! We have a new titan shifter." He gestures to you.

Levi stands up quickly, looking at you with wide eyes. "And you're sure?" He asks.

"Have you not noticed how fast she heals, how she's in the top ten? Number six. Remember when she got that chunk out of her leg? It was fine the next day." Eren says, eyes on fire a bit.

"I forgot when that was." Levi says.

"Right, it was during training. Horsef- Um, Jean or someone had a blade slip." Eren says thoughtfully.

"Is this true?" Levi stands next to you, one of his blades out.

"Yes, it is." You say, warily eyeing one of the blades.

"Then hold out your hand." Levi says, arching an eyebrow.

You do so, and Levi gently slices one of your fingers.

"Ow!" You say, more in surprise than in pain. Levi's hand grasps your wrist, watching your finger intently as it healed.

"Hm. I may need to do another cut." He says. You twitch away.

"What? Why? You saw that, didn't you?" You ask.

"I know, but it was a very shallow cut. Very shallow. I need to make sure it wasn't a trick of my eyes." Levi holds his blade up again, this time cutting your whole pinky off.

"Gah!" You say under your breath. Your bone is slowly growing back, along with muscle and skin. The bone hurts more, but the flesh only tickles. Levi's hand is under your finger, catching any blood that fell. As usual, cleanliness was Levi's first priority.

In what seemed like eternity but was closer to a minute, your finger was completely back. It was a bit sore, but it looked the same as it had before. Levi deposits of the blood and old finger in a handkerchief, handing the bundle to you.

"You were telling the truth, then. Go to Hanji for tests first thing tomorrow." Levi says. "I hope this is the last time you come in today."

(Time skip to next day, brought to you by silently laughing in the middle of the night because of a funny picture/video)

The next morning, you're awoken by Hanji, tapping your shoulder and smiling maniacally. What little light there is is reflecting off of her glasses.

"Are you ready, then?" She gives a little skip back, then pulls you out of bed.

"No. It's early, Hanji. Still dark..." You say, looking out the window. You rub your eyes.

"Perfect time for tests!" She pulls you into the hall, then outside.

The biting cold is the first thing you feel. You shiver in your (f/pajamas) and look over to Hanji, who has you by the wrist and is dragging you through a field. A well is directly in front of you.

As soon as you're in front of it, Hanji says, "All right, get in the well and bite your hand."

"But..." You didn't want to go down into that well. How were you supposed to know there wasn't water down there. Right now sounded like a bad time to drown. Also, (fear) You didn't want any of that down there. And if there was... well, that would be bad. Very bad.

"Ready?" Hanji asks you, lowering a ladder.

"Y-yeah. I hope so." You took a deep breath, scaling the ladder down.

"Are you ready?" Hanji asks.

"Yes." You whisper.

"I can't hear you." Hanji calls down.

"Yes." You yell up to her. The ladder starts coming up.

"You can do it anytime after I shoot off a green flare." She says.

"Alright." You call to her, but she's already running.

A moment later, a BOOM surprises you, and a trail of green shoots into the sky.

You teeth bury themselves in your hand on instinct, even though you'd only done it once before.

And then?

Well, it all happened so fast.

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