Chapter 11 (Tell)

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A few hours later, you came into consciousness, every muscle aching and too hot. Your head throbbed, and you felt like you might throw up. You sat up, not realizing that that would bring a whole new wave of pain. Eren sat next to your bed, aslep in the chair.

"Eren." You said quietly, trying not to move or talk too loud.

His eyes spring open, and he stands up quickly, a smile breaking out. "You're up!" He exclaims, "Do you need anything?" His hands encircle one of yours, and he looks worriedly at you.

"Maybe... cool cloth? Water?" You mumble.

"Okay, be right back. Okay?" He says, leaving.

You mumble something incoherent and go into a daze that's half awake and half asleep, woken up a moment later by voices. Not Eren's. Reiner and Bertl. They're speaking with hushed voices.

"She..." "Are you ready?" "Me?" "Yes, you..." "What do I do, again?" "Here..."

The sound of a pencil scratching. You open your eyes, and Reiner's head shoots up, looking at you with scared but vicious eyes.

"What are you doing in here?" You ask, looking at them.

"We need somewhere to... ah... do a thing." Bertl says, giving you an odd half smile. His eyes are almost maniacal.

"Well, Eren should be back soon, so maybe somewhere else?" You say.

"How long until he comes back?" Reiner now has the same look as Bertl.

"A minute or two..." You close your eyes.

"One last thing." Bertl says.

"What is it?" You open your eyes, and he's standing next to your bed.

"Does this smell like chloroform?" Bertl presses a rag to your face.

Your eyes shoot open, gasping for breath.

"What the hell?" Your eyes widen, trying to make anything out in the darkness.

"She's up." Reiner says, pressing a wet cloth to your forehead. The throbbing in your head has intensified, a searing pain now.

"Ow. Crap." You close your eyes tight, trying to get rid of the pain. "What happened?"

"We had to get you away from them somehow." Bertl says, lighting a candle.

"What? Why?" You ask, frowning. "I was fine!"

"How do you feel?" Reiner says, wrapping a bandage around your head with expert movements.

"Um, My head hurts and my muscles are sore..." You reply.

"Exactly. You weren't fine. Did anyone tell you about the three-inch cut in your forehead?" Reiner asks.

"Well, no..."

"And did they try to help you at all?"


"My point is made." Reiner says, finishing the bandage.

You shift a bit, wincing. Bertl sets another candle down. Now you can see you're underground somewhere, in a room looking like it had been carved out under a tree, with a dirt ceiling and dirt walls. The floor is shiny wood, with four chairs around a circular table. There's two more beds, and a stove. A counter is set up next to it. A cupboard is above the counter, one of the doors slightly open.

"What is this place?" You ask, looking around.

"Ah... It's where we go sometimes when we need to... get away." Reiner says. Bertl nods in agreement, holding a bowl of soup out to you. You take it, wincing as what felt like a thousand knives stabbed your shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Bertl asked, fear clouding his voice a bit.

"Never been better." You grunt, taking the bowl.

"I know you're lying... You're in a lot of pain, right?" Reiner says, rubbing your shoulder. "Right here?" He puts a bit of pressure on your shoulder. Another thousand knives stab you, and you jolt away from his touch.

"Ow! Reiner, what the heck?"

He looks slightly offended. "I was trying to help..."

"That's not how you do a massage, you idiot..." Bertl says, grasping your shoulders. "This is how you do one. Watch closely."

Firefly (Reiner x Reader) (Eren x Reader) (Bertholdt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now