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This book will contain quite graphic scenes (or I'll try and fail at writing them).

This most likely will not be triggering but it MIGHT be, so I'm just forewarning you.

I hope you like the story and let's hope I don't delete this one.

*loosely based off of the relationship between Harley Quinn and the Joker. I'm obsessed with Suicide Squad and the comics and whatnot, so I will probably make multiple references to the movie and/or comics*


Tyler Joseph was never the most liked kid around.

He grew up on a bad neighbourhood, and, at the age of eleven, had seen things no eighteen year old should have seen.

It was hard to keep his innocence when his childhood was filled with screaming and shouting and violence and crying.

He never got the help he deserved.

Which was probably why he was walking down a hallway with another lady next to him, seemingly unfazed by the screaming people throwing themselves at bars around him.

The lady seemed slightly on edge, and she kept fiddling with her glasses. He felt sorry for the poor old soul - she obviously didn't work with patients this far gone often.

Tyler's patient was at the end of the corridor. A dark, blacked out room with shutters and a bolted door, only a CCTV camera that was placed in the room to keep the patient safe.

They reached it and the woman hesitated, giving him a very sympathetic look before pushing a few buttons on the keypad next to the door.

" Are you ready?" Her voice was soft and calming and, as she ran her hands through her slightly greying hair, Tyler felt slightly at ease.

He nodded. " I'm ready."

The lady gave a one shouldered shrug and pushed the door open, the hinges squeaking slightly.

" Just pull the red string next to you if you have any trouble," she assured him. " We have armed guards right outside the door."

Tyler gave her a thankful look and took a deep breath before heading forwards, straight to the chair at the foot of the bed.

His newest patient's hair was dyed a faded green-blue and it looked dirtier than his skin.

Which was saying a lot, since he was seemingly covered in dirt and grime from head to feet.

The man (Tyler knew now that his patient was male) raised his head ever so slightly and, upon seeing Tyler, grinned and sat up.

Tyler nearly recoiled straight for the door even at the mere sight of him.

His teeth had long since rotten, his eyes bloodshot and flicking all over the padded room. He had multiple cuts on his chest that spelled out words in a foreign language and he still grinned at Tyler as though he was prey.

" Hello."

Tyler jumped, moving warily to sit on the chair as the man still grinned at him. " Hello. M-May I ask your name?"

The man licked his lips, which were covered in a smeared red substance, before replying. " I'm whatever you want me to be."

Tyler made a mental note to check what his name was on the way out.

" Well," he started, coughing slightly at the dry taste in his mouth. " I'm your new doctor. You're supposed to c-call me Dr. Joseph, but, please, call me T-Tyler."

The man nodded and grinned even more, if that were possible, moving to stand up. Sure, his legs were chained but his hands were not and that was what had Tyler nearly hyperventilating.

" Oh, I'm ever-so-sorry," the man giggled, leaning forward and wrapping his hands around the front of Tyler's shirt. He leaned forward until his breath fanned Tyler's face and Tyler had to fight back the urge to choke. " Do I make you nervous, Tyler?"

Tyler shook his head slightly, still staring straight into the man's eyes. They were slightly slanted and, though bloodshot, still a burning chemical green.


While Tyler debated on whether those eyes were his real eyes, he didn't notice he man moving his hand to cup Tyler's cheek until he started slapping it quite harshly.

" I can't wait!" He laughed, still slapping Tyler distractedly and Tyler could see the string and heard the bolt shift. He put a hand up to signal the guards to halt.

" I can't wait to show you all my toys, Tyler!"

Tyler reeled back at this and the man seemed to pick up on it since he bought Tyler closer and dug his nails into the back of Tyler's neck.

The smaller boy let out a shriek of pain, clawing desperately at the string.

The man snarled at him and dug his fingers in harder, leaning forward to press his lips to Tyler's cheek.

At first Tyler was confused and only focused on the sound of the guards' fast approaching footsteps.

Then the man bit down roughly into Tyler's cheek and, while Tyler screamed out in pain, lapped up the blood that beaded there like a dog.

The guards were here now and Tyler stumbled back, clutching his wet check; wet from the blood or where the man licked it, he wasn't sure.

He watched in horror as the guards pushed the man down, who was still staring and grinning at Tyler, and strapped him to the table, injecting him with a greenish liquid.

His eyes soon closed and Tyler finally moved his gaze to the sign on the side of the door.

' Joshua Dun;

Age; 23.
Gender; Male.

Uncontrollable insanity, severe schizophrenia.'

Tyler gulped before continuing to read the sign, which was quite long compared to the others.

' Band; Red (therapy everyday, supervised at all times).

Other notes;
Sadistic tendencies.'


Hmm okay, I suck.


when i typed in joshua it autocorrected to 'JØSHUA'

finally AUTOCORRWCT does something right.


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