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Tyler whimpered, holding a cold compress against his head. Blood stained onto his fingers, itching their way into the cracks of his palms. Josh stood in front of him sharpening a knife, searching for a way to get home.

"Tyler, please shut up. I can't think with you moaning all the time."

Deep down, Tyler knew that Josh was hurting over Ruby. He knew she meant a lot to him, and his confident core was visibly weak.

"Josh," Tyler started towards him, as he started to scrape the knife harder. "Josh. Josh, stop."

Josh let go of the knife harshly, throwing it behind him.

"I can't do it Tyler! I can't keep hiding and never doing anything! I can't keep living like this, I can't."

It was the first time Tyler had seen Josh cry, and it broke his heart. He wrapped his thin arms around Josh's body, feeling the older boy cry into his curls. Pain radiated off him and the only thing Tyler could do was to hope that he was consuming the pain from Josh's fragile body.

"I'm never satisfied, Ty. Not with life, not with anything. Nothing matters and nobody cares, except you."

Tyler looked up at Josh, seeing tears trickle down his face. He was gripping tightly onto Ruby's lipstick staring at it with a blank expression. Exactly what was going through Josh's mind, Tyler didn't know, but he had a good idea. He knew what it was like to completely hate life whilst also leading a free, sort-of normal life. It was hell.

"Josh. Hey, look at me. It's gonna be okay. You loved Ruby dearly but she'll always be with you, forever. I can only promise you that, love."

Josh looked up, sniffling slightly.

"You promise?"

The shorter boy rested a hand on Josh's heart, and looked up with huge doe-eyes.

"I promise. We'll be okay."

i'm back after like 67 years?
wow hello.

also this hiatus is killin' me .

love u all

~ ash 🌸

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