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" And then he just-"

Josh broke off, his arms still wrapped around a smaller person's waist, when Tyler made a whimpering noise.

His eyes fluttered over to Josh and the girl, with her long hair, and glared. He let out a snarling noise, tugging against the restraints. There was something telling him to calm down, but he didn't want to listen to it, only wanted to hurt whoever Josh had his arms around.

" Ty!" Josh grinned and untangled himself from the girl, who pouted and glared at Tyler. " You're awake!"

Tyler nodded and let the taller boy envelope him in an uncomfortable hug, running his tongue over Josh's cheek.

The older boy laughed and grabbed hold of Tyler's face, kissing him gently on the nose. " We did well, H."

The girl, 'H', nodded and walked forward. Her long, blonde hair fell down to her waist and her big, blue eyes and soft lips showed wildness masked with innocence.

Ew, Tyler thought.

Tyler rolled his eyes, ignoring the girl and turned his attention to Josh. The older boy's hair was bright green, now, obviously recently dyed. His teeth were still shiny and rotten and his lips were cracked, blood staining the bottom one slightly.

Tyler had never found a human being so beautiful.

" I'm awake," he said with a slight crack. " Where are we?"

We, being Josh and Tyler.

Josh just cocked an eyebrow and went to stroking Tyler's hair softly. He was still glaring at the girl and Josh turned with a grin, motioning to the girl.

" This is Ruby, Ty," he explained, keeping his full attention on Tyler. " She's just here to help us. Nothing else, I promise."

Ruby glared at Josh but decided to smile softly at Tyler. Sure, his face was pristine with a look that made her look crazed, but she seemed just as nice as anyone Tyler had met.

" We're halfway to the city," Josh spoke softly, sniffing at the smell. " We're in the sewer, and about an hour away from the city centre."

Tyler nodded and pulled on the restraints again, thrashing slightly on the table.

" Oh, right." Josh went to untying Tyler from the table, but kept the restraints on his wrists.

" To keep you from running away, darling," he said and kissed Tyler on the cheek.

Ruby giggled, suddenly taking a swing at the wall with her baseball bat.

She began laughing even harder, and Josh and Tyler followed, raising an eyebrow in amusement as the girl began hitting the wall.

" Let's do this boys!" She screamed, running forward and turning in the sewage water. A rat ran past and she picked it up, throwing it against the wall hard enough for it to die.

" Let's fucking do this." She muttered.


" This is the city centre!" Josh shouted and snarled as a boy around fifteen rolled his eyes at him. " Where dreams come true, and goals are achieved!"

He then dropped his voice and turned to Tyler and Ruby with a giggle. " It's also the scene for our bloodbath, but we'll get to that later."

Ruby nodded in excitement, and bought her bat up on her shoulder, into her field of vision. She pointed it at a small girl, of about nine and pretended to load it up, shooting at the girl.

Tyler gaped at the world, suddenly seeing everything differently. He could vaguely remember the world being black and white and grey and boring, and now it was full with colours and personalities.

" This," Josh spoke softly into Tyler's ear, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy's waist and leaning down to press a kiss to his neck. " This is our home."

Tyler nodded with a grin, and turned in Josh's arms, feeling his gun press against the small of Tyler's back. " Welcome home, Josh."

Josh smiled and opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by a teenagers' voice.

" Ew!" He screamed, stopping multiple people in the street. His friends laughed around him, pointing at Josh, Tyler and Ruby. " Fucking faggots!"

He laughed and Josh raised an eyebrow, moving his hand, the one with the gun, to Tyler's shoulder.

Tyler supposed he could have said no. He could have moved Josh's hands, and maybe run away. He could have stopped Josh from raising the fun and shooting the boy straight in the throat.

But, he didn't want to.

" Run!" Ruby grabbed hold of Tyler's wrist, pulling him along with Josh down the street.

They ran through alley after alley, finally coming to a stop in front of an abandoned bar.

They could all hear the sirens and Ruby frowned, breaking the glass with her bat and crawled through the space.

It was fairly small, so she unlocked the door from the inside, allowing the two boy's to walk in.

" Welcome, boys!" She giggled, throwing her arms out wide. " Welcome, to our escape."


im super tired stILL ill and im working at the stables in a week and I'm just sOOOOOOOO A TiREDD

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