Stuck In A Cabin With Him ✪Chapter o3✪

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Stuck In A Cabin With Him

Chapter o3

We pulled into the ski lodge and parked. The snow was at least a foot high. I grabbed my bags and headed over to the main building. "Uh, where are you going?" Matthew asked. "Inside. Where else?" I asked. "Actually we have a private cabin. My mom owns it. It's in the woods but it's close by," Matthew said sheepishly. "Also we'll be alone," Matthew said wagging his eyebrows suggestively. Gross!

"What!" You mean we're going to be alone in the woods together?" I yelled. He nodded. "Didn't I just say that?" He asked. I ignored his question. "This is... shit! No, this is beyond shit!" I screamed. "Oh calm down! Just follow me, okay? It's really nice and we have a lot of food and drinks in the storage room." I groaned and started following him.

"So does this cabin, have two bedrooms?" I asked. He paused for a moment. "Well, you see, it's used for my mom and dad's honeymoon, so..." he trailed off. "No two bedrooms," I finished off for him. He nodded. "Did they... you know..."I trailed off. "I don't know but if they did I hope they cleaned up their sheets," Matthew made a disgusted face.

Matthew started walking into the forest. I smiled evilly as I picked up snow and made it into a snowball. I chucked it at the back of Matthew's head. He whipped around to face me and I was walking behind him whistling while looking innocent. "Did you just throw a snowball at me?" He asked. I stared at him in disbelief. "You honestly think I would throw a snowball at you?" I asked with a 'shock' expression on my face.

"Actually, I do," he said eying me suspiciously. "Why Matthew! I am flabbergasted. Why would you think such a silly thing?" I asked. "Jee, cause you're evil!" He shouted. "The squirrel did it!" I said pointing to a squirrel that was up in the tree chewing on its acorn.

"Yeah, sure he did," he replied sarcastically. "How do you know if it's a he or a she?!" I asked. He kept walking and I picked up another snowball. "Don't you dare throw another one at me," Matthew said while not turning around. "I'm not," I said. He turned around and I immediately started eating the snowball. "Mmm, yummy," I said through the snow I was chewing on.

"If you throw it at me, I'll hit you," he said. I raised an eyebrow. "Okay, I can't hit a girl," he said sheepishly. "Are you a chicken?" I asked in a baby voice. I started clucking like a chicken. "Fine, I guess you aren't a girl since you're so unladylike," he said smiling.

"Okay, seriously. You're blind! Get your eyes checked! I'm a girl and I know you looked at my body before," I said smirking as I walked past him and started going through the woods.

We made it and it took 7 minutes to get here. The cabin wasn't actually that bad looking. It looked tiny and tall trees were surrounding it. It was a one-story cabin and had a chimney. To me it looked stunning. I've always liked the outdoors. When we got closer, I could smell the scent of wood. It relaxed me a bit.

Matthew had the key and unlocked the door. We stepped inside and I swear my mouth dropped open. It looked romantic in here but beautiful. The wood was cherry wood. I walked to the kitchen and it had white marbled counters. The stove was white too and so was the fridge.

For a moment, I forgot everything about how much I hated Matthew until his face appeared infront of mine. My face went from stunned to annoy. "Do you like it?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Follow me, I'll show the bedroom and the closet," Matthew said as went down a hallway.

He opened the door and the room was also beautiful. Gosh, he's parents have great taste in furniture. "So this is our be-" I cut him off, "My bed. Yours is on the couch," I said. "Wait, why should I let you take the bed? My parents own this cabin!"

"Oh Matthew, you see I'm a lady and lady's always pick first."

He glared at me. "Why can't we share?"

"Share?" I stared at him blankly.

He nodded his head slowly acting as if I didn't understand what he was saying. "Why should I share with you?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Oh, c'mon! I won't do anything! I promise!" He said while getting down on his knees. Huh, I like it when he gets on his knees and beg for mercy.

"Fine. You promised too," I smirked and went into the closet to hang up my clothes. I exited out of the closet and I felt my eyes widen at the sight infront of me. Boy, was it a sight too.

Matthew's shirt was off and I have to admit, he looked hot. I can't deny it even if I really want too. Did I mention his hands are also hot looking? Long and slim. I also go for the hair too. I hate buzz cuts. Absolutely despise it!

Matthew saw me staring at him and he smirked. "Like what you see?" He asked. "You mean an ugly, arrogant, conceited, jerk, and jackass? Then, no," I said. "I know you like it. You were drooling." If I were drooling, I would kill myself.

"Sure, that's what you think." I walked into the kitchen. He came after me with a shirt on this time. "Are we going skiing or snowboarding tomorrow?" I asked. He nodded his head.

I looked through the fridge. "Uh, we have canned food but nothing that would mold or rot," Matthew said as he went into a small room. I followed after him and canned food and drinks were covering the entire walls. How much food do they need?

"What do you want?" He asked. "Uh, do you have ravioli?" I asked. He nodded his head and tossed me the can. I caught it and went to put it in a pan.

After eating my delicious dinner, we decided watching T.V. a bit and then we went to get ready for bed. "Oh just to let you know, I only wear boxers when I sleep," Matthew said as he took off his shirt and his pants.

Oh wonderful! "If anything, I mean ANYTHING, touches me and that means your little friend," I said and he knows what I mean. "Whoa! Little? It's not little!" He glared. "Yeah whatever. Back to the point, if anything touches me I will chop off your balls," I said as I went into the closet to change.

"How will you manage to do that?" I exited out the closet. "Oh I have my ways," I smiled evilly. He rolled his eyes. I got in the bed and turned off the lamp on my side. He got in and turned off the light.

I felt his arm moving closer to me. I slapped it. "What did I just tell you?" I hissed. "Fine," he pouted. Soon I fell asleep.


I know I said I was going to make it longer but I had writers block.

I'm sorry. I'll be sure to make Chapter o4 longer! Promise!

Thanks for reading! Comment and vote, please!


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