Stuck In A Cabin With Him ✪Chapter o21✪

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Read this before reading the story:

Okay, a girl asked me these questions. Her username is BookWormTxT.

1. who do you think you're most like?

2. who would you rather date Matthew or Kyle?

3. would you like my story "I fell in love with my brother, who is a robot I ordered!"?

4. would you like this story "Stuck In A Cabin With Him" to be real?


1. I think I'm mostly like Sapphire. No joke. My friends think I'm funny. And some of you fans think that Sapphire is PMSing all the time (which she isn't!!!! >:[ ) and my friends think that I'm in a bad moon ALL the time which I'm not! I have the same taste in music and clothes like Sapphire does.

2. I would rather date Matthew. :P

3. I will read your story when I have time. Knowing me, I'll probably like your story cause I love reading others!

4. If it was real, that would be awesome! I would meet Matthew and totally steal him even if I'm 2 years younger than him! And Sapphire would be my best friend along with Camille, Fantasia, and Jacky!

There you go! :P


Stuck In A Cabin With Him

Chapter o21

"Matthew, is the date going to be casual or really nice or anything else?" I asked. He raised his eyebrows. "For clothes, you know," I pointed out. "Well, you could come without any clothes. Nakedness would work for anything," he said while waggling his eyebrows up and down.

"Ew, no!" I laughed. "Casual. You can't wear anything revealing since it's freaking winter outside," he said as he sat on couch in Camille and Fantasia's room. "You guys are such a cute and weird couple," Camille said. "Thanks Camille," I stuck out my tongue at her.

"You offer her but you don't offer me!" Matthew asked, putting his hand over his heart acting like he was hurt. "Yep, I think she's sexier," I winked. "Hm, I love lesbian action," he said thoughtfully. "Ew," Camille, Fantasia, and I said in unison. "What is with guys liking girls making out with girls?" I asked. "It's hot," Kyle said as he came through the door. Garrett nodded his head and Fantasia smacked him on the shoulder. "Pigs," Camille muttered from beside me.

"I agree," I mumbled. "Sapphire, come here for a second," Matthew said as he motioned me over. I sighed and walked over to him. "What?" I asked. He pulled me in his lap. "Ah!" I screamed. "You could've asked!" I squirmed. "You would've said no," he pointed out. "How would you know?" I blushed. I actually would've sat in his lap. "I know you more than you know yourself," he said. I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows. "Nah, I was joking," he chuckled. I shook my head with a smile on my face.

"What time are we leaving to go?" I asked him. "How about 7:30?" He asked. I nodded my head and checked the time. It was 5:30 p.m. For about an hour, we all talked about random stuff: school, people, countries, movies, and TV series.

"Okay, boys, get out now!" Camille shooed them away. "We're going!" Garrett whined as he gave a pout to Fantasia. "Finally! Now, it's time for you to get ready!" Camille squealed with excitement. "You're scaring me. You're acting like my mom," I muttered.

"Fantasia will do hair and I'll find a shirt," Camille said as she skipped into the closet. "It's casual! Nothing too fancy!" I shouted at her. "Okay!" She yelled back. "Why don't we try curls?" Fantasia mumbled to herself as she observed my hair. "Or straight and tease it a bit?" She asked herself. "I got it!" She braided my hair into a low ponytail that went to my left side (A/n: Not very good at describing that >.

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