Stuck In A Cabin With Him ✪Chapter o13✪

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Stuck In A Cabin With Him

Chapter o13

**Camille's P.O.V**

"Get in!" I hissed at the guys. "Where's Shane?" Kyle asked. "He took Brittany with him to go skiing or whatever. I don't care. Anyways, we have to get this done, like now!" I said as pushed them inside the room and slammed the door shut.

"Sheesh, alarm all the people why don't you!" Garrett said. "Sorry! But you guys are too damn slow!"

They sat on the couch and I stood in front of them. "Okay, I'll assign something to each of you, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am," they all answered simultaneously. "Good. Now, Kyle, you are in charge of putting color into the shampoo bottle. Garrett, add these fake slimy worms inside those pillows," I said pointing over to the right side of the bed. You can tell it was Brittany's because it was pink and fuzzy. "George, you can just watch me," I said sweetly and batted my eyelashes at him.

Garrett and Kyle snickered and elbowed in the ribs. I went over to the dresser and looked through Brittany's clothes. I took them out and put them in a black trash bag. Damn, I think I'm going way too far with these pranks... Oh well!

I replaced the clothes with ugly-grandma looking ones (no offense to those old ladies). This shall teach you not to wear tight shirts and mini skirts! Muahaha! Too bad Sapphire isn't here with me; she would enjoy this just as much as I would.

There was a knock at the door and we all froze. I went over to it quietly and peeked through. It was Fantasia. I opened and she fell in breathing hard. "What took you so long!"

"Sorry! There was this old guy in flirting with the cash register woman. Sheesh, I was about to tell him, he will never be with her," she answered. I laughed. "Here's the bars and sodas," she said as she handed me the high calorie bars.

I grabbed them and replaced them with the low calorie and water bottles. "Do you think we are being too harsh about this?" Fantasia asked as she watched Garrett. "Yeah, I guess so. But too late now! No point of throwing a good prank away!" I smiled.

Fantasia shook her head and walked over to Garrett. He showed her the worm and started threatening to put it in her shirt. They looked cute together. I heard a clearing of someone's throat from behind me. I turned around and saw George.

"Yes, George?" I asked. "Sapphire said she is on her way," he said looking down at his text. "Okay. Hurry guys! We don't have much time!" I shouted loudly enough so they can hear but not loud enough so the next-door neighbors can hear.

I walked around making sure the guys were doing their jobs. "I'm done!" Kyle shouted from the bathroom. "Good! I can't wait to see her hair tomorrow!" I smirked. "Done!" Garrett said. "Excellent! Now, clean up and let's go before she comes back!"

"Camille, how did you stay in her room if her and Matthew went to do something?" Fantasia asked. "Well, I was behind them leaving but I didn't close her door all the way," I said.

"Ah, smart person," George said as he rested his arm around my shoulders. "Thanks!" I smiled. Fantasia gave me that knowing smile. I shook my head at her and narrowed my eyes.

**Sapphire's P.O.V**

"Shane, I had a really fun time with you today," I said smiling at him. "I had a fun time with you too," he smiled back. I parked the car in the parking lot and got out. Shane got out also.

I put the keys in my coat pocket and we both went to the main lobby. "Camille! Fantasia! Boys!" I yelled as I group hugged them. "Sapphire!" They yelled. "So, was Miss. Camille nice to you?" I asked in a motherly tone.

"No, mommy. She whipped us with her whip," Kyle said pouting. Garrett nodded and George had a puppy face. I turned my head at Camille. "You are the worse teacher ever!" I yelled.

People gave us weird looks as they passed by us. We all laughed. "Did you do your job?" I asked Camille. She nodded her head and whispered into my ear what they did. I cracked up. "I can't wait till tomorrow!" I said laughing.

"So how was your date?" Fantasia asked smirking. "Wonderful," Shane answered as he rested his arm around my shoulders. I blushed but looked away. Damn, I'm falling for Shane AND Matthew, even if I just met Shane for a week and a half!

What is wrong with me? "Where are Matthew and Brittany?" Shane asked Camille. "Somewhere, I don't know," she answered. "They went somewhere like an hour ago."

"I'm hungry!" I whined after two minutes of silence. "You just ate ice cream!" Shane said shocked. "She's always hungry," Fantasia pointed out. The guys nodded their heads along with Camille.

"You are a strange girl. Don't all girls want to eat salad?" Shane asked. I punched him in the arm. "Ow! What did I do?" He asked. "It's not what you did but what you said," I answered.

"Not all girls eat just salads! I'm a girl and I have my needs," I said glaring at him. "Sorry!" He said quickly. "I'm not mad you," I said smiling. "You're funny."

"I know," I answered as I skipped towards the food place. "Oh my gosh! It's the same old guy!" Fantasia whispered. "What old guy?" I asked. "The gramps was trying to get it on with the cash register lady like 30 minutes ago," she said.


"I know," Camille and Fantasia said simultaneously. "What are they called these days? Old guys hitting on younger ladies, I mean. You know how middle age women hit on young men, they are called cougars and old women hitting on younger men are called badgers. What are old guys called?" Camille asked.

"Perverts," I answered. They laughed. I ordered myself mozzarella sticks and Mountain Dew. "Want to share?" I asked Shane. "Sure." We sat down and talked about random things along with the guys, Camille, and Fantasia.

I forgot how the guys knew Shane. It just seems weird. "Hey guys!" A familiar voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw Matthew along with Brittany. She looked tired as hell. "Hey!" We all said. "Matthew, can we go to the room to warm ourselves up?" She asked in a whiny voice but glared at me.

What's up her ass? I didn't even do anything to her. "Well, someone is PMSing," I muttered. "What was that?" She asked. "Nothing."

"Whatever. I don't have time to listen to your stories, loser," she said. "I wasn't even telling a story," I shot back. "You look different, Brittany," I said observing her. Her make-up was running down her face from her sweat.

"I know I'm beautiful," she answered and winked at the guys. The guys ignored her and talked to Camille and Fantasia. "I'm leaving! C'mon Shane! I'm tired!" She whined as she pulled Shane off of his chair and dragged him with her.

"Poor guy," Camille said. I nodded my head.


Sorry if there is mistakes! Didn't have the time to edit!

Anyways, I hope you liked this!


THANKS to ALL of my FANS! I really appreciate it!

Oh, read my other story: I'm An Ordinary Girl Who Met Cat Boy! I just uploaded Chapter Four!


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