Stuck In A Cabin With Him ✪Chapter o20✪

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Stuck In A Cabin With Him

Chapter o20

**Camille's P.O.V**

We walked through the thick snow, on our way over to the cabin. "So, why are we going with you guys?" Kyle asked walking from behind her. "To check up on Sapphire. Remember the incident," I whispered. "Why are you whispering?" Garrett whispered back. "Just because!" I said turning around. "Because...?" Garret asked. "Shut up!" I hissed.

Garret snickered along with Kyle and George. I whipped around and glared at them. They stopped immediately but once I turned around, they did it again. "Garrett!" Fantasia punched his arm. "Ow!" He yelped.

"Quit acting so rude," she said. "Yeah Garrett," Kyle mocked. Fantasia and I glared at Kyle. "Sorry," he mumbled. We made it to the woods. We started walking inside and saw the cabin not too far away.

Camille, I'm sure Sapphire is fine," Fantasia said. "Are you crazy? She's with Matthew! She's mad at Matthew! And we haven't seen her for like a couple of days!"

Fantasia sighed, knowing that she wasn't going to win against me. Actually nobody could except for Sapphire. She's good at arguing back. I knocked on the cabin door. There wasn't any doorbell so I had to knock. There was no answer. "Sapphire!" I rapped louder. Nada. Nothing.

I tried opening the door but it was lock. We walked over by the windows. "Camille..." Fantasia trailed off as she stared into the window. We all ran up to her. "What?" I asked. "You have to check this out," she said with widen eyes. I peeked in and what I saw made my mouth drop open.

There on the opposite side of us was... cake! No, it was Matthew and Sapphire on the bed together. Not just together, no, they were cuddling with there shirts off! Of course Sapphire had her bra on but still! I didn't expect this. I didn't expect her to easily forgive him and make up or make out, whatever they did! I was about to knock on the window but George's hand caught my arm.

"Let them be," he said smiling. My fist relaxed and I nodded. "That's..." Kyle trailed off. "Kyle!" I punched him in the arm. "Ow!" He hissed. "What was that for?" He asked as he held his arm. "Quit looking at Sapphire! She's half naked! My goodness!" I said as I covered his eyes and guided him away from the window.

I felt him rolling his eyes. "Seriously Kyle!" Fantasia said as she walked by him. "Wh...what!"

We just looked at him and shook our heads back and forth. Garrett and George were doing the same. Kyle had his mouth a gape with his hands up. "But... I... I..." he started to say but I interrupted him, "Kyle just drop it! You are a disappointment."

We burst out laughing. It was fun picking on Kyle. "You guys are hiding something from us," Fantasia said after a while of laughing. "Yeah," I narrowed my eyes on them. The guys all looked at each other. George sighed, giving in. "So the other day, when Sapphire left, Matthew said a few words," George said slowly.

"Okay, what kind of words?" Fantasia and I asked in unison and looked at each other. "He said to Brittany that he loved Sapphire," Garrett said quickly. "Okay? So he loves her like a friend, right?" I asked. Kyle shook his head furiously. "Then what?!" I asked impatiently. "He said he is in love with her!" Kyle yelled a bit too loud. "What!" Fantasia and I shrieked at the same time.

Oh shit. What if Sapphire and Matthew heard us? "We should go!" I hissed. They nodded their heads and ran out of the woods with me. "In love?" I whispered to myself. All this time, we've been trying to get Matthew jealous of Sapphire and Shane! No wonder Sapphire and Matthew were together, cuddled up in bed!

**Sapphire's P.O.V**

My eyes snapped opened from something loud close by. I ignored it and looked over to the right of me. Matthew. He had his arms securely wrapped around my waist. His face looked so peaceful and his hair is messy. Last night was so blissful and wonderful. The way his warm lips touched mine sent tingles throughout my body.

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