Stuck In A Cabin With Him - o24 -

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Stuck In A Cabin With Him

Chapter o24

"Hey, baby, you look a bit lonely. You want some company?" Kyle asked a girl who was sitting at a bar drinking. She looked about 21. I can't believe the guard at the front let us through. Do we really look like we're 21? No.

"Uh... no. Not from you, loser." She walked away. "I'm hopeless," Kyle came over and stood next to us, Matthew and I. Garrett and Fantasia were dancing. George and Camille were talking casually. Poor Camille. She's been crushing on him for a long time and I don't think George knows that.

"Kyle, you'll find a woman some other time. Or, I could help you look for one, if that's alright?" I asked. "Please! I need the help!" He pleaded. Matthew chuckled. I elbowed him in the ribs. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Just act like yourself," I said. "Don't try to act like someone your not. A girl who doesn't like your true self is a bitch and doesn't know what she is missing out," I said. Matthew nodded.

"Um... thanks. I guess... I was hoping that you would help me by finding a girl," Kyle said. "Nope, you're on your own!" I smiled and grabbed Matthew's hand. Kyle walked away and talked to few girls. Some laughed at what he was saying and some were not so laughing. But at least he was making progress.

"You want to dance?" I asked Matthew. "Yeah," he smiled. We went to the dance floor and danced next to Garrett and Fantasia. There were two people next to us dancing. I was laughing so hard because the guy seemed drunk and he was trying to dance with the girl. He was dancing very dirty and the girl kept turning away but he would go infront of her.

She frowned and walked away from him. "Hey baby," he came over to Fantasia. She looked at him and went closer to Garrett. "Aw, don't be like thaaaat," he slurred. "Fuck off," Garrett hissed. "Calm down. I just want to dance with the perty gurrl," he smirked at her.

"Dude, just go away," Matthew joined in, noticing the little scene. "Matthew, leave him alone. He's drunk," I said putting my hand on his arm. He looked at me with a cold stare but it softens when he saw me looking scared. "Sorry," he murmured. "It's fine," I kissed his cheek.

"Babeey, ditch this asssholee," the drunk guy pointed to Matthew while looking at me with a sickly smile. I mentally gagged. "Matthew, let's just go somewhere else," I grabbed his arm before he would yell at the drunk man.

We started walking away when the guy caught my arm. "Let's find a rooom," he slurred. "Go find someone else," I yanked my arm away. Man, this guy is really pissing me off now but he's drunk. It's understandable. "It's not fine Sapphire. This guy is harassing you and Fantasia," Matthew glared at the guy. "Matthew, he's only drunk. He can't help himself," I said. Matthew rolled his eyes.

"Fine, deal with him on your own. If he's only drunk, then let him harass you some more," Matthew looked pissed off. "Matthew," I said with a pleading look. He shook his head and walked through the throng of people. I rolled my eyes. What a baby. "You and your boyfriend brokee up?" The drunken guy popped his 'p'. "No, we're just in a fight right now. But it'll be fine," I looked at Fantasia who was looking at me worriedly. I shook my head and mouthed, "It's fine."

She looked at me one last time and then left with Garrett. I walked away, trying to find Matthew but it was no use. I went out the exit door in the back and sat down on a bucket in the alley. I put my face in my hands, frustrated. "You know you look sexy," a guy's voice came from nowhere. I lifted my head up quickly in shock. I looked around but found no one.

The alley was dark and it smelled like weed and alcohol. "Hello?" I asked in the empty air. "You actually thought I was drunk?" The same voice said. I looked around with panic. The voice sounded so familiar. "Whose there?" I asked again. No answer. "You're a funny girl. I like that," the voice said again. I stood up quickly and tried to open up the door that I came out of.

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