Stuck In A Cabin With Him ✪Chapter o18✪

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HAPPY ST. PAT'S DAY! I hope you are wearing green! For those who aren't wearing green... *pinches your arm*. Haha. You didn't wear green!


Stuck In A Cabin With Him

Chapter o18

**Matthew's P.O.V**

I am lying on my back with my hands behind my head. I was looking up at the ceiling. I looked over at the sleeping form next to me. Sapphire. I wanted to put my arms around her waist but of course I couldn't if part of me wanted her to hate me.

Well, before bed she did tell me if I lay one fucking finger on her, I would get my balls chopped off along with a black eye. Those were her exact words. Not mine. I guess she didn't fully forgive me but I was okay with that. I thought back to two days ago, when all that drama started. There was drama before that but this time it was worse.


Brittany smacked her lips on mine. I was still shocked. I was shocked and angry. Shane used Sapphire. I was thinking of so many plans on how I should kill his sorry ass. "I see. You can spend the night here or sleep on the couch if you like," Sapphire's voice interrupted my thoughts. I heard Sapphire running out of the room. I looked at Brittany and pushed her hard.

She landed into Shane, who caught her. "Sapphire!" I yelled as I ran to the doorway and saw her running with Camille and Fantasia following after. "Dude, don't even," Kyle put his hand on my shoulder. I sighed and looked at Brittany with disgust and anger in my eyes.

"Matthew. I thought you liked me!" She whined. "I don't like you and I never will like you. I'm in love with Sapphire. There, I said it," I sighed in relief as I got that out of my system. The guys looked at me, shocked. "What does she have, that I don't have?" Brittany yelled, frustrated.

"A great personality, not a slut, she's funny but weird at times, and she has beauty unlike you," I said. Brittany laughed. "Sure she does. Who would want to kiss that emo chick?" Brittany sneered. "I do and she isn't emo. More like a skater/punk girl but I like her just the way she is," I defended. I didn't have any problems with emo people but Brittany is just annoying me.

"Whatever," she said flipping her hair. "I don't ever want to see you again," I said with venom in my voice. I was being a bit rude to a girl but she did hurt Sapphire and she made look bad in front of Sapphire. Now Sapphire won't forgive ever again. I understand if she doesn't. I don't blame her. I didn't push Brittany away, which I regret.

I left after I told Brittany I didn't want to see her again. I headed outside and saw it was snowing hard. I saw Camille and Fantasia walking back to the ski resort. As they saw me, they glared at me. Camille flipped me off. I looked down and kept walking to the cabin.

**End of Flashback**

I didn't think that Sapphire would forgive me that easily today. But somehow I knew she didn't forgive me fully, which I don't mind because like I said before, I want her to hate me for what I did by breaking her heart, twice!

I looked over at Sapphire and brushed away the hair that was in her face. "I'm sorry," I whispered. I opened the nightstand draw that was next to the bed. I took out the small black velvety box. I opened it up and smiled. I closed it lightly and set it in the nightstand drawer. I can't wait till Christmas

**Sapphire's P.O.V.**

I got up and stretched out my arm. Today is Christmas Eve and I don't have gifts for everyone! I should have got them when I went out with Shane to target. Shane. I wanted to beat him up. Kick his ass. Give him a black eye. He said he liked me... Yeah right as if. He was just getting Brittany jealous. Seriously, what did he see in that chick anyway?

All I see is a stupid, fucked up bimbo. What did I want to do to Brittany? Oh, many hurtful things. Like, deflate her fake boobs, punch her in both of her eyes, and just hurt her twice as much.

I looked over at Matthew. He was sleeping peacefully. I was shocked that he didn't have his arms around my waist. I didn't think he would listen to what I said before we went to bed. I did threaten him.

I got up and went to take a shower. I changed into my clothes in the bathroom. I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. I went out. Matthew was still sleeping. I smiled.

I didn't forgive Matthew completely. I shouldn't have forgiven him easily but who could resist Matthew getting on his knees and saying a few lines from the balcony scene of 'Romeo and Juliet'?

I headed in to the kitchen and started cooking. "What is that wonderful smell?" A voice said from behind me. I turned around and grinned at him. "That would be my hair," I said. "I was talking about the food but..." he sniffed my hair. "Your hair also smells nice." I chuckled.

"Thanks," I beamed. His hair was messy and this time he wore a white v-neck shirt with his blue plaid boxers. I set the eggs, bacon, and hash brown in front of him. Man, I feel like a mother. I turned off the stove and sat down next to him. I ate my food happily.

It was more like brunch than breakfast because it's 12:30 p.m. What? Who doesn't sleep in? "What movie would you like to watch?" Matthew asked after we finished eating.

"Not a scary movie," I answered quickly.

"Someone is scared of horror movies?" Matthew asked shocked.

I looked away embarrassed. I may act tough but I hate scary movies. They are scary! "Don't worry, I'm here for you," Matthew winked. "If you think I'm going to cuddle with you while I get scared, well you are wrong because we are not going to watch a scary movie. We are going to watch something funny!" I said.

"Fine," he chuckled. He looked through the DVD shelf. "How about Step Brothers?" He asked. "Sure," I said as I jumped up and down on the couch. He put the DVD in the DVD player. He grabbed the remote and sat down on the couch. I jumped down into the Indian style.

During the movie, I found myself leaning my head against Matthew's shoulder. His arm was around my waist. The movie ended and I looked up at Matthew. "That was funny," I chuckled. He nodded his head. I got off and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

"Want one?" I asked Matthew from the kitchen. "Mountain Dew, please," he said. I grabbed the Mountain Dew bottle and walked over to the couch. I threw the bottle over to Matthew. He opened it and took a swig of it. "Thank you." I nodded my head as I gulped my water.

"I wonder how Santa is going to get through the chimney," I said. "What?" He asked confused. "I said I wonder how Santa..." I said slowly. "Whoa. You believe in Santa still?" Matthew asked snickering. "A girl can believe!" I defended. "Santa is not real."

"He is too."

"No, he's not."

I glared at Matthew. "I leave cookies and milk out for him every Christmas Eve," I said. I was joking with Matthew but I wanted to see if he actually believed that I believe in Santa.

"Your mom probably ate them," he said. I shook my head.

"My mom said she didn't eat it and I believe her. I believe in Santa and the Easter bunny."

"The Easter bunny isn't real either," he said as he threw his arms up dramatically. "Yes he is!" I defended. He rolled his eyes. "No he is not. Have you ever witnessed him before?" He asked. "How do you know if it's a he or she?" I asked him. "Well, let's just say the bunny is a he," Matthew said. "No but I witnessed the colorful eggs that he poops out," I said.

"I thought he carries around a basket full of eggs?" Matthew asked confused. "So you believe in the Easter bunny?!" I asked. "No!" He said defensively. "Then how do /you/ know?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "I don't! We were talking about you not me!"

"Sure," I said rolling my eyes. "I... what!" I laughed. It's fun picking on Matthew sometimes.


Sorry, I didn't post yesterday!

Anyways, I hoped you liked it!

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Oh, and thanks to ALL my fans!

I really appreciate it!


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