Stuck In A Cabin With Him ✪Chapter o16✪

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Stuck In A Cabin With Him

Chapter o16.

I couldn't believe my eyes. The scene in front of me was plain disgusting and just utterly outrageous! I mean, who kisses your own brother in an affectionate way? My mind is swirling with different emotions. Anger, disgusted, and confused. What the fuck is happening in this world?

I didn't understand at all. Brittany and Shane, kissing. I looked away and looked at Camille and Fantasia. They were just as shocked as I was. "That is so fucking nasty," Camille murmured. We all nodded our heads.

"What the fuck is going..." Kyle's voice trailed off as he saw Brittany and Shane kissing. "That's repulsive!" Garrett muttered. "I agree 100%," George said. "Okay, good. For a second I thought it was just me who was seeing this," I said with my eyes really wide.

I looked back at Brittany and Shane. I tapped my foot loudly. I was becoming very impatient right now. "Are you two done sucking each other's faces off?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Jealous much, Sapphire?" Brittany asked as she pulled away and raised her eyebrow. "Not really. I wouldn't use the word jealous. I would rather use the word... uh... disgusted," I said.

"Let me explain. Shane and I was a couple. We were never related. See, we came, together, here for a vacation alone. But we both got into a huge fight. I went downstairs and that's when I met Matthew. Oh, he's a real hottie," she said winking at him. Matthew stood there motionless, probably shocked from it all.

"Anyways, we decided to make each other jealous. So Shane used you all along. He never liked you and never will," Brittany smirked. I looked up at Shane. "It's not true. Well, I was using you but then, I started liking you," he said softly. "Bullshit!" I shouted.

"But you used Matthew," Camille said from behind me to Brittany. "Yeah, and...?" Brittany asked. "Well, what if Matthew doesn't like you?" Camille asked. "Matthew and Shane love me both because I'm so hot and I'm great at kissing and a great sex partner!" Brittany gushed over herself. "You know, I was beginning to think you didn't deserve the hair dye and the grandma clothes but now that I think about it, you really do deserve it!" I yelled.

Brittany glared at me. "Well, you deserve to be alone. Matthew and Shane, both, don't like you anymore. They like me and will always like me, only!" Brittany said with venom in her voice.

I stared at Matthew. He didn't say anything. "Matthew," I said softly. He looked at me. "Do you really like her?" I asked. "I..." he got caught off by Brittany when she smacked her lips on his. They stood like that for two minutes. Two whole fucking minutes and he didn't even stop her!

Well, I got my answer. "I see. You can spend the night here or sleep on the couch if you like," I said as I ran out of the room. "Sapphire!" Matthew yelled but I ignored him. Tears started pouring down my face now. I hate dramas! They always ruin everything!

I hate Matthew. I hate Shane. I most definitely hate Brittany!

"Sapphire!" Camille and Fantasia shouted from behind. I ignored them too. I just wanted to go home. I didn't want to stay somewhere with that bitch and those two guys.

I ran all the way out to the cabin. It was snowing. The flakes were coming down super fast. Is a blizzard coming? Whatever. I don't right now. I ignored the snowflakes that were falling onto my face and hair. "Sapphire," Camille caught up at the door. I threw myself on the couch, laying face down. I felt the couch shifted a bit. Camille and Fantasia stroke my hair. "Sapphire, those boys aren't worth it anymore," Camille spoke softly.

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