Chapter 5

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Omeed woke up with a stat. She took in her surrounding as the event from hours earlier came back to her. Screaming for her Pedar, she broke down crying as Zoya and Atash ran into the hut thinking she was in danger.

One glance at her told them she was alright but had just been woken from a nightmare. Zoya cautiously approached her, avoiding sudden movements.

"Child, you are awake at last." A voice had said causing Omeed to cringe further into the mat she was sat on. The room had no windows, the only source of lighting came from a small lamp since it was already nighttime with the moon far up in the sky.

As Omeed watched the strange man suspiciously, Zoya crouched down beside her. "When you are done gawking at me drink this concoction. It will help renew your diminishing vigour."

She shook her head refusing to accept the brewed medicine. All she could do was wonder what has become of her mother. "My lady please drink it. It had taken great effort to make this concoction. Don't make the hard work go to waste." Atash who had been extremely quiet until now spoke for the first time since Omeed woke up.

He felt awful as he took in her state of disorder. She looked anything but the proper preen lady he has grown up loving from afar.

"I need to give Pedar a final resting place. I wasn't able to save him doesn't mean I won't carry my last act of filial piety to him." She spoke strongly although what she wanted doing could be deemed a suicidal mission. They had painstakingly got her out of the city without being detected and here she was asking to return there.

Zoya shook her head detesting the notion but Atash nodded in understanding. He too like Omeed would have loved to give his father a resting place. They knew if they had any chance of that happening, it had to be carried out tonight as the bodies were normally disposed of the next day.

With their heads sometimes left on display. She promptly drank the medicine as the set their plans into motion. As the soft eyes behind them looked on.

Atash secured a few horses as they made their way back into town. It was a cold windy night but nothing could have deterred Omeed from committing this last act of filial piety to her father. She shook from the cold as the horse galloped it's way to the gallows.

As they sneakingly went about their business, they were shocked to find the guards were fast asleep. On closer inspection, they noticed they had been drugged. Who could have done this and why would anyone do it? What could an execution ground have to offer? They all wondered curiously but had shrugged it off as a mere coincidence. Going about their reason for being there in the first place.

No matter how much they searched, the Nazir's corpse was nowhere to be found. This only irritated Omeed who had thought they has a chance at succeeding.

The only explanation was that whoever had drugged the guards, had stolen her father's remains. Which meant, it was someone awfully close to her father and knew he was innocent of the charges against him. Or perhaps it was just a well wisher. Right now, all she could do was hope they were right.

"My lady, since we are not very far from home, let's see what we can gather that is of use to us. Then we can leave this place for good." Atash's suggestion had been welcomed by all.

This place now held a painful memory but Omeed wouldn't be leaving until she finds out what has become of her mother. No one has seen her or heard anything about her but they knew she wasn't amongst those executed.

"I will return someday to clear my father's name and make sure the people involved paid for what they have done to my family and home. And that includes the royal family." She murmured though Atash and Zoya heard her loud and clear. Smirking as they nodded in agreement.

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