Chapter 36

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Hafez gave an hearty laugh as Amir narrated what had transpired between Omeed and Afsoon back to him. Even the eunuchs around grinned non too discreetly hearing Amir's exaggerated words.

For most, it would be the first and probably the last time they would hear the young king let go of all his inhibitions.

"You seem very pleased, your majesty." Amir gave Hafez a sceptical look. Amir wasn't sure what pleased Hafez most. If it were the fact that Omeed could defend herself or her putting Afsoon where he thought she belonged.

"Obviously, I now know I wouldn't have to worry myself with her safety as far as the women are concerned." Hafez's lips twitched as he tried suppressing his infectious smile. "All I have to do is worry about the ministers and citizens."

"But your majesty, do you think it's a good idea for lady Omeed to go up against consort Afsoon at this point?" A feeling of foreboding settling at the pit of his stomach. Amir feared for Omeed's safety given she hadn't moved into the harem yet. "I just worry the former prime minister and his cronies might retaliate if pushed."

"Right now they don't see Omeed as a threat. And their goal is still far from their reach." All traces of playfulness gone as Hafez's eyes turned cold his once relaxed demeanour gone. "I will kill every male in each clan if anyone hurts my Omeed." Hafez finished without batting an eyelid.

"It is time for your training." Amir reminded Hafez who sneaks off to secretly practice with his sword everyday. "Will you be training today your majesty?"

"When does she get back?" Hafez responded ignoring Amir's question. He had heard Amir loud and clear, he just had Omeed on his mind. "I miss her already." He complained to Amir who didn't have a response to Hafez's dilemma.

"Let's go!" Ordered a moody Hafez as he made move to change out of his robe. "Perhaps some training would relax my wandering mind." He says as an afterthought with Amir following closely behind him.

As Omeed walked into her courtyard her servants all rushed out to greet her. They spoke excitedly wanting to know if what they heard was true. The female servants couldn't wait to prepare for the impending nikah.

"Relax everyone." She pleads but the servants couldn't contain their excitement. Some even went as far as calling a queen even though she wasn't crowned. But Omeed had quickly admonished them stating it was a crime to do so.

"My lady, there's someone here to see you." Announced Omeed's butler. "Should I invite him inside my lady?" He asked a stunned Feriha as everyone but Omeed and Zoya returned to their various duties.

"What did he say his name was?" Omeed asked curiously. They've never had a male guest so this had her interest piqued.

"Lord Farzan my lady." He replies with a bowed head so he didn't see the three different reactions that name had evoked. Zoya had scowled as Feriha smiled happily with Omeed looking worried for Feriha.

"Lord Farzan? What could he want?" Asked a perplexed Feriha. As exciting as the prospect of seeing Farzan was, she had not been expecting him.

"Send him inside immediately!" Omeed ordered the servant who took off at once to do what Omeed had asked of him. "Do you know why he's here Feriha?" She asks smoothly but Feriha could only shake her head saying she didn't.

"Zoya set the kettle on and fetch some refreshments please." Ordered Omeed as herself and Feriha made themselves comfortable.

"Right away my lady." Zoya replied disappearing down an hallway as the other ladies awaited Farzan's appearance.

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