Chapter 49

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Hafez tilt his head to the side as he watched Omeed interact animatedly with the woman and young man before him. The more he stared at them, the more he wished the resemblance was a coincidence. His Omeed kept nothing from him and these people were merely impostors.

Hafez wanted to believe he knew every important aspect there was to know of her life. If these people before him were royalty, that makes her one. This was too big a secret for her to keep from him.

As the realisation finally dawn on him, Hafez became torn between walking away in rage or playing the role of a good husband before unleashing his wrath on Omeed in the confines of her palace walls. He remained stand still as he fought to come up with a decision.

Amir who has served Hafez from a very young age understood and almost thought like himself. He could see the fleeting emotions that ran through his eyes and countenance. First was the look of shock, then betrayal, from there anger became vivid before he battled to keep his emotions in check. Making it as neutral as possible.

Having had enough of Hafez stare down towards Omeed, Amir decided to gain Hafez's attention before things gets even more complicated. "Your majesty, they are but your in-laws. You should at least be courteous towards them." Amir reminds Hafez whose nostrils flares at his words of advice.

"You can deal with her majesty later, but for now it would be advisable to react after knowing the truth of the situation." He says calmly hoping his words were heeded. Hafez eyes momentarily left Omeed as he threw a glare Amir's way before looking at Omeed once again.

"Amir, you are right." Hafez says quietly as a disdainful smile creeps up his face making him look even more menacing than he usually looks. Even Amir took an involuntary step backwards from Hafez as he mind plays the worse case scenarios. He could only hope their love for one another conquers the inevitable.

"The ministers will have a field day with this information." A guard mutters scornfully as the others nods their heads is sorrow. What had started for them as a day out with their king and his beautiful queen has quickly turned into a political nightmare.

"A word about this shouldn't be repeated!" Amir orders them as the commander in chief of the king's secret guards. "Do I make myself clear?" He says through clenched teeth.

A resounding "Yes commander!" Was what he got in return as their features returned to one of nonchalance. Their voices swiftly reminded Omeed of her predicament at hand.

"Aunt, Raja, this is his majesty the king of Persia. My husband." She says turning to beckon Hafez who remained unmoving forward. But once she saw looked in his eyes, she flinched but quickly covered her fear. "Come on let's go to him." She says as she timidly walks towards Hafez and the guards.

Her aunt and brother greeted Hafez with their palms together. It was the Hindu way of greeting. Hafez stood as he watched them amusement dancing in his green orbs. Seeing his confusion, Omeed took control of the situation as she explains their every word and mannerisms to Hafez and her family alike.

The rest of their time in Omeed's residence went along in similar fashion with Hafez playing the role of the dutiful loving husband as much as he could stomach his true intentions. He actually got along fine with prince Raja as they sparred and shot targets. Hafez only wished he could have met him in a better situation.

Omeed made it known to he aunt how grateful she was of her visit but due to it being political turbulent time, their visit needs to be kept a secret. And they unfortunately won't be getting the welcome they deserve as in-laws of the king of Persia.

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