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  • Dedicated to To my little sister Angela

Not Edited

Over four hundred years later

"Not another blind date mother." She groaned into the telephone. "This will be the third one in two months." She mutters angrily. She was tired of friends and family members trying to set her up. At only twenty eight, she was the oldest spinster in her big aristocratic family.

"All my friends and family members with daughters your age are already married with a child at least." Her mother replies solemnly. She was beginning to regret letting her have too high a standard. At twenty eight, she already had two masters degree and a PHD.

"I am in no rush to get married. In fact I like my life the way it is at the moment thank you very much." She says rolling her eyes.

"Listen to yourself young woman. You are twenty eight years old and well pass a marriageable age." Her mother chastises her. Who could blame her mother? Coming from the Indian culture where being single at the age of twenty-five was just about frowned upon it came as no surprise her mother was constantly on her case.

"Alright mother who is it this time?" She relents.

"Oh he's a Saudi Arabian prince I am told. Our families have been doing businesses together a long time." She could tell the excitement in her mother's tone.

"Whatever." She grumbles. "But doesn't that makes him a Muslim?" She ask suddenly.

"You know we've always been lenient when it comes to religion and race. As long as you both take a liking to each other then it is fine by us." She could literally feel her mother's excitement through the telephone as she continues to go about her chores in the kitchen.

"Alright mama, I've got to get back to work." She announces. "Oh where I'm I meeting this said gentleman?" She teases her mother.

"Friday at 4pm at the museum." Her mother rushes before hanging up on her.

"Great! Just bloody great! Once again I have to put up with another blind bloody date!" She complains putting her mobile telephone away with an heavy sigh.

"If you sigh any louder the world might just come undone." Her best friend and business partner Karen giggles from her doorway. "Now tell me what has got you so blooming worked up?"

"Another blind date forced upon by my lovely mama." She says with sarcasm.

"Who is it this time? Please tell me it isn't another of her friend's son." Karen says with equal sarcasm. They both chuckled this time.

"It is something like that, but I haven't heard of this family friend before now. He's supposedly a Saudi Arabian prince." She gestures with her fingers. "I will just have to work my magic like I always do and send him on his way in no time." She says nonchalantly.

"That's more like it. Now that's the Sonya I know." Karen responds returning to her office.

Sonya finished work at 12pm that Friday as she made the mad dash through the afternoon traffic back to her condo to get ready for her blind date with the mysterious prince. Even though she could have done a little research on him, she didn't. Sonya just wanted everything over and done with to please her mama.

Dressed in a purple and lilac floor length gown and her hair pin straight, she made her way to the art museum. 'I hope he isn't there before me.' She thinks to herself. Sonya would rather get there before her date so she could see him walk through the doors. It gives her all the ammunition she needs when it comes making a quick decision.

Walking through the doors of the museum, she noticed how uncharacteristic empty it was. "Are you not opened for business today?" She ask a nearby personnel as her eyes wanders around.

"We are miss Sonya. But prince Atif has it booked for the rest of the evening for private viewing." He informs her making her scrunch her face in disgust.

"Snotty rich brat." She mutters very quietly as she proceeds to look around. "Already displaying his wealth." She snorts in a very unladylike manner.

"I did it for you thinking you'd prefer your privacy." A husky voice laced with an American accent says behind her. She jumps taken aback by how easily he had crept up behind her.

"Blo--dy hell you scared me!" She screeches. "Do you make it an habit of scaring unsuspecting young ladies?" She ask in annoyance with a hand over her chest and her head down.

"I would like to think it's your fault for not paying attention to your surroundings." He bits back. "And you are anything but a lady. Not with that sailor mouth anyway." He retorts.

"Great now I have a prick---." She stops talking as their eyes meet for the first time that evening. They stared at each other unable to look away.

It could have been hours or minutes but nothing really mattered at that moment. They were in a world of their own as their hearts thundered in the confines of their rib cage. Wanting to let loose.

Finally breaking out of their reverie, Sonya shyly ask. "Have we met before?" He seemed familiar but she was certain if she had seen those green eyes before she would remember them for as long as she lived.

"No we haven't because you would have made an impression if we have." He replies sadly. "You are a very impressionable young woman." He compliments her making her blush.

"Let's start again." She says stretching her hands towards his. "I am Sonya."

"I am Atif." He says taking her hands firmly as butterflies envelop their stomach. "Sorry if I came off rude and hard on you. I just didn't want to go on another blind date." He apologises.

"Likewise, my mama has been hounding me for god knows how long to get married. This is all her idea." She shrugs her shoulder as they both chuckled.

They spent the rest of the evening looking at paintings and artefacts. "Is it just me or do you get this tingling feeling in your heart that we know each other or that we are suppose to know each other?" Atif ask Sonya as they settle down for dinner at a plush restaurant.

"I get it as well but I thought I was perhaps going crazy." She laughs. "Do you believe in soul mates?" She ask abruptly.

"I don't but the more time I spend with you the more I am inclined to believing." He admits truthfully.

That evening the pair broke so many rules and did many firsts. It was the first time Sonya had kiss a man on a first date. It was the first time she invited a guy into her condo. It was also the first time she had a sexual encounter and it was the first time they both said the word 'I love you'.

"Omeed, isn't it strange that whatever birth we've taken since our death we still meet and fall in love with each other every time?" Hafez ask Omeed's soul.

"Well I did tell you to make sure we meet every lifetime." She sasses back at Hafez. "This is our third birth since our death and we have fallen in love at first sight each time."

They grinned looking at how happy Sonya and Atif are laid next to one another.

"We are lucky to have each other whether in death or alive." Hafez replies happily pulling Omeed closer to himself...


Photo of Sonya on the side............

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