Chapter 52

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Non would have been able to wipe the grin off Hafez's face if they had tried. Even though Feriha and Amir reminded him Omeed and the babies were fast asleep. Hafez still couldn't wait to see them as he makes a mad dash for Omeed's pavilion.

"Your majesty, her majesty is sleeping." Amir pants as he runs after Hafez. His grin was infectious almost as brilliant as the moon that shone up in the sky that evening. Everything seemed peaceful even the weather had played in their favour.

"I have to see my children before anyone cast an evil eye on them." Suddenly Ramin joined them. He had just returned home from a private boarding school for boys from elite homes. Only the noblest of blood and family attended the school.

"You will be laying face down if you moved any quicker." Ramin says with voice laced with sarcasm causing Hafez's feet to momentarily falter. "I wouldn't mind that sight. I can just feel and hear the rumour mills going on about the great king falling on his face. " Ramin, Feriha and Amir chuckled.

"When did you return home? You've been gone a whole year yet the first thing you tell me is your wish to see me face down?" Hafez glared at a smirking Ramin. "I should contact your tutors to keep you a few more years until you are mature enough to be let out into society."

"Your majesty!" Ramin growls as he scowls at Hafez. "You will do no such thing." As an afterthought he quickly adds. "Please forgive me your majesty." Ramin knew Hafez had the upper hand and usually never went back on his words.

"You finally see sense, hurry along, I am meeting my children for the first time." He orders as their step quickens towards Omeed's pavilion.

There were congratulations all around as Hafez walks in with shaky legs. His nerves were all over the place. Hafez wondered what sort of father he'd become and the kind of life his children would have. He was worried if one day they'd scorn him for bringing them into this world where trust and commitment is only as good as how far you could see it.

A nod of encouragement from Feriha was all he needed.

With a deep breath Hafez gently opens the door to Omeed's bedchamber. Scented incense burn in different corners of the room to keep the stale smell of afterbirth away. The room has been aired are tidied up in haste. Making it a little less appealing.

Without hesitation his eyes dart to the mattress where his tired wife laid. He took note of her damp hair sprawled on her pillow and face. Even in her state of unkempt she was still the most attractive woman in his eyes.

Sitting on the mattress, Hafez moves Omeed's hair from her face to get a proper look of his woman. "Well done my love. You don't know how big a burden you've lifted off my tired shoulders." He whispers not wanting to wake her up as she snores lightly.

Hafez bent down placing light kisses all over Omeed's face appreciatively. He then kissed her lips sweetly controlling the passionate want he had for her. Even in her state he could already feel the stirring once again. Chastising himself for lusting over her when he had only moments ago said no to more children.

The sound of throat clearing brought Hafez out of his lustful stupor. Turning sharply, Hafez saw a watchful Zoya keeping vigilance over his bundles of joy as they sleep in their cots. Omeed has asked to have them with her for as long as possible. Refusing to keep them in a nursery. She wants them as close to her as possible.

Standing up abruptly, Hafez takes long strides towards his children wrapped in cream coloured silk blankets. His hands automatically reaching for his daughter as he looks at her with adoration. She would become the second most important person in his life.

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