Chapter 27

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With Omeed sat on her horse two things played on her mind. Why was princess Zubaida secretly supporting them? Also what was in it for her? Omeed knew there was something she might have over looked. Atash have not carried out his task to a tee. Omeed concluded.

Omeed has always had the foresight of see things two moves ahead and right now, she knew something was awfully wrong. How much of an impact it would have on their lives remained to be seen but for now severe damage control needed to be done.

"Atash we speak at once upon our return to the estate." She said. Her crisp command cut through the sound of horse hooves making Atash stiffen momentarily.

He wondered what he could have done to irk her this time. With him fearing Zoya might not be as generous with her plea this time around.

"Yes my lady." He replied timidly as he pushed his horse faster. Atash's mind thought of every possibilities but came up short. Even looking at Zoya to see if she knew what the problem was.

Omeed stormed into the estate with Atash following behind her closely. "Atash, when I sent you away from Turkey I had asked you to carry out several investigations. Where are the reports?" Omeed asked with folded hands across her chest.

"My lady, there was nothing I could find that was out of the ordinary." Atash responded but Omeed knew he was lying. Atash from a young age could never look Omeed in the eyes when he lied.

"I didn't ask you to look for things out of the ordinary, I asked you to investigate the politicians. Not have tea with nobles and their wives." Omeed screamed. Her outburst had Atash backing up a little. "I have so much wealth and you know it Atash. I didn't send you here to socialise."

"I'm sorry my lady, I misunderstood your order." He lied again Omeed noted.

"Now, what about princess Zubaida? Did it ever occur to you that there might be something behind her help? She has no reason to help us Atash." Omeed cursed using Hafez's word from days earlier. "Do you trust her that much?" Omeed couldn't believe Atash's foolery.

"All these years with me, what exactly have you learnt other than filling a coffer?" She asked him exasperatedly. "Allah, Atash this doesn't look good." Omeed stated gripping her hair.

"I am truly sorry my lady." He murmured genuinely, for the first time not happy she looked disturbed.

"What about my mother? Have you heard anything yet?" Her question caught him off guard. He had expected it sooner or later but right now he wasn't expecting it.

"I have heard nothing my lady." Atash replied nervously perhaps he could tell her she was dead but then she'd want to visit her gravesite. What if she did and someone saw her? She might be taken to the palace or seriously hurt maybe killed.

"No, I haven't heard anything my lady. I think she was perhaps sold into slavery or captured." Atash reaffirmed hoping Omeed doesn't ask any more questions.

"I will just have someone else look for her. Thanks for the help so far Atash." She waved him off before sprawling on her bed.

Omeed had noticed him flinch, she knew he lied, and most of all she knew deep down her mother no longer habited this world and has long ago joined her Pedar. Yet she decided to keep Atash beside her.

"The day he betrays me that day he'll die." She murmured coldly to herself. For now Atash was safe, with his head firmly attached to his body because he hadn't committed a traitorous act against her just yet.

The only way Atash could leave her is when he stops breathing. She doubted he would live to see that day. Omeed grinned slyly taking a deep breath.

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