Chapter 44

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As she awaits Feriha’s imminent arrival, Omeed ponders what could possibly have gone wrong. For the past week, Omeed has gotten up at night to feast on delicacies.

Her eating habit has not gone unnoticed by Hafez who has to deal with her cold body when she returns to bed sated every night.

Omeed tries taking her pulse but found it almost impossible to read accurately. She sighs heavily as she once again wretches into a bowl Zoya had supplied her. “I hate this feeling.” She groans as she rinses her mouth with water.

“Your majesty, what is this I hear of you being sick?” Feriha calls out rushing to Omeed’s assistance.

“I am not sure Feriha.” Omeed whispers. “I want you to check my pulse. I have rejected every help from the senior physicians just in case things are a lot worse than I think they are.” Add a dejected Omeed.

“Make yourself comfortable.” Feriha instructs her as she’s led to her mattress. “Zoya please fetch me some ice.” Feriha calls out to Zoya who dashes off immediately to carry out her order.

Upon Zoya’s return, Feriha dipped her fingers into the bowl that contained shaved ice. With a deep breath she put her chilled fingers on Omeed’s wrist carefully feeling for her pulse. A big grin broke through Feriha’s calm composure.

“Congratulations your majesty, you’re going to be a mother.” She announced calmly as Omeed stiffens. Omeed had been taken aback by Feriha’s diagnosis. Even as her lips moves, nothing but silence came out.

“Congratulations your majesty, his majesty will be extremely happy when he hears this.” Zoya excitedly takes Omeed’s hands in her’s. “I cannot wait to welcome the heir of Persia.”

“Shh Zoya! We have to be certain before Hafez and everyone else finds out.” Chastise a blushing Omeed as she lays a gentle hand over her flat stomach. “Are you certain Feriha? I mean I trust your judgment but I feel scared and cautious.”

“Come on I understand, but I will check your pulse again if it will make you feel any better.”

“Please do my dear friend.” Cries Omeed as she nervously hopes Feriha was right and that she was indeed pregnant with Hafez’s child.

You are definitely pregnant your majesty. There’s no mistaking this diagnosis.” Omeed gulped as she pulls Feriha and Zoya into a hug. Feriha and Zoya chuckled at her antics.

“Zoya go to Hafez immediately, no I mean I will go to him. Fetch me a nice outfit!” Omeed stutters her way through her orders to Zoya. “I want no one else to find out until I have made sure Hafez, grand dowager and royal mother all knows.”

“Yes your majesty.” Zoya and Feriha chorused at once smiling at an excited Omeed.

Hafez had just rushed his way through a court session and was on his way to Omeed’s pavilion when he saw her in the royal garden. He watched her gather flowers with Zoya and Feriha by her side.

Listening to their chuckles, Hafez momentarily wonders how Omeed has suddenly made a miraculously recovery. He walks quietly towards an unsuspecting Omeed or so he thought.

“Boo!” Hafez says trying to scare her but all he got in return was Omeed’s lovely laughter. That filled him with joy.

“I felt you watching me Hafez, like always.” Omeed says as Hafez presses his lips to hers. “I have something to tell you.” Omeed adds staring at his with so much love Hafez thought his heart would burst from the emotions she was emitting.

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