Chapter 16

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A moon and half later, Atash arrived in Isfahan. Following Omeed's clearly drawn out instruction, Atash had quickly purchased a humble home and three big shops. Luckily for him, their brand logo was already known in Isfahan.

It didn't take long for the costumers to line up into the streets waiting to get hold of that high quality silk only Omeed's establishment had in the whole of Persia.

When words first reached Ali of a potential business rivalry, Ali had brushed it off saying he owned the streets of Isfahan and beyond. He was certain no one could take his place. And had describe the situation in an undermining tone.

One afternoon, Hafez's sister princess Zubaida had heard her servants murmuring. Being bored, she decided to listen to their topic of discussion.

"Yes, I was told the quality is unbeatable." Servant one stated. "And they have a dressmaker should you require one." Servant two replied. "I wish I could afford one of their fabrics." Servant three complained dejectedly.

"I was told the prices are affordable and they welcome instrumental payment. Once you complete the payment you are allowed to take your goods home." Servant two finished.

"I would like one for my nikah next summer." Servant three says happily. The ladies continued chattering excitedly not noticing the princess who was stood behind them.

She recently had her first child, a son after years of marriage. Zubaida had given up hope and her in-laws had wanted concubines brought in for her husband. Luckily for her, he had dismissed the idea and turned down the offer because of the love he had for his wife the princess.

"Ladies!" Zubaida exclaimed scaring her servants. They gasp wanting to run off back to their work but she stopped them.

"What is this I hear about quality fabrics?" Her servants were shocked to realise she had heard their conversation.

"Your highness, there's a new merchant from Turkey and they sell and make the best clothes." Servant two answered her respectfully.

Princess Zubaida is known for being kind natured and a fair princess who treated everyone including her servants with respect.

With a huff and a playful frown etched on her beautiful face, she said. "And I am only finding out now? You ladies are no good to me. Since the birth of my son I have needed a brand new wardrobe. My old clothes don't fit me too well." She cried out with self loathing at her weight.

"We are sorry your highness, we didn't think. Please forgive us." They said at the same time making Zubaida giggle aloud. She enjoyed when they fumbled and took her jesting for scolding.

"I was only jesting ladies, but I do need some outfits made. Maybe ten or twenty it depends on how much I like their fabrics." She suddenly smiled brightly.

"Hurry, go to them and have them bring me their thirty best fabrics with their dressmaker." She finished as she rushed out hearing her son's wailing it was time for the little boy's feed.

Atash was busy taking stock and putting away new products that have just arrived from Ming dynasty when Zubaida's maids arrived. They walked around for a few minutes before they spoke asking to see the boss.

"I am sorry ladies, our boss is still in Turkey and won't be coming to Isfahan for a few years." One of the assisting merchants said apologetically.

"So who is in charge until then?" One of the maids asked.

"I am until then." Said Atash who had heard the conversation. He wondered what the ladies wanted with Omeed. "Can I be of any assistance to you ladies?" Atash asked them not failing to notice how they blushed unable to look him in the eyes.

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