Chapter 60

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Today was the twins third birthday. Omeed woke early keeping with her usual routine. Except this day was anything but usual for Omeed and all of Persia. Asal was about to bear the brunt of Omeed's wrath but first of all the same ministers who had petitioned to make her queen of Persia will dethrone her.

'What she had thought all along was her sheer malevolent brilliance will be coming to naught by the time I am through with her. The most I am giving is four days for her to be deposed as queen of Persia.' Omeed thought to herself with a wicked glint in her eyes as she waits for the ministers to shift the blame for the eventual calamity that will befall them all.

"I have everything prepared your highness." Omeed's closest confidante says as he enters her study. Omeed nods her head emotionlessly. "Non of these can be traced back to us." He informs Omeed as she examines the content of what he had handed her.

"Good, send a copy to each and every minister on this list. They will hand back my position as queen of Persia to me in less than seven days." She says emotionlessly handing him several missives. "Oh in the main time we best start putting our things together. Any word yet on Ali?" She ask with indifference.

"Not yet your highness, but I am told they are close to nabbing him." He says with a smirk.

"Good they had better hurry up. But for now I have two very curiously anxious boys to take into town." She smiles at the thought of her sons first step outside her estate. They had refused to sleep the night before, chattering about their expectation.

"The guards are ready and the gifts have been prepared." He notifies Omeed. "I have gone through the safety measures with them just in case." Omeed just nods her head as he goes through the safety procedures with her.

"They'll both share a palanquin while you sit alone in yours. Or you can all share one." He suggests to Omeed who remained thoughtful for a while then said.

"I would rather share with them so it easier to answer their queries. You know what they are like, there will be a lot of questions." They both laughed. "I sometimes wonder if they took after me or their father when it comes to their curious mind." She smiles sadly thinking of Hafez.

Omeed inhales deeply as she rises from her chair to make her way out into the courtyard where Prince Nouri and prince Arsham awaits her. "Royal mother!" They both squealed as soon as they see Omeed's approaching figure. "Can we go now please?"

Omeed has never before now seen her sons this excited. It made her feel guilty for keeping them indoors all this time. But she consoled herself knowing it meant they were safe.

"Alright children get in." She says as she gently shoves them into her palanquin. "You must be on your best behaviour and no running off." She warns them even though the chances of them actually doing as they've been told was next to none.

"Yes, royal mother." The chorused with a grin of their chubby faces. They didn't realise how nervous their mother was as her heart hammers. Even after going through all possible scenarios in her head for over a year, Omeed was still nervous not just for her sake but for her boys.

"Royal look at that!" Omeed heard them say. "What is that called?" They question her. "Can we touch it?" They ask with excitement. "Let's get closer so we can feel it." These were some of the words the twins use as they sat inside Omeed's elaborate palanquin.

Many who knew and recognised her palanquin stopped and stared. Most bowed their heads in greetings as she was escorted. Some wondered out loud why her security seemed a lot more than usual. Whilst others were just too happy to catch a glimpse of their gracious queen.

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