Chapter 31

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This chapter is dedicated to TheChronicCreator thank you so much for the wonderful cover you created for me.

Not Edited

Omeed remained stiffened in Hafez's arm as everyone looked on. Very few knew who she was immediately with her referring to the present Nazir as uncle. And most have heard the story of the lost crown princess.

"Your majesty, please let me go. People are staring." She reminded Hafez who seemed to have forgotten they weren't alone.

"Only this time, and not for very long my princess." He whispered into her neck making shivers run down her spine as she blinked back the tinge of blush spread across her cheeks.

With a twinge of sadness, Hafez let go of Omeed. He could tell she was holding back her tears. Omeed wasn't one to show weakness and right at that moment she needed to show everyone she was strong and capable of ruling the kingdom alongside Hafez.

Omeed watched Hafez gesture Amir closer then whispered something quietly to him. With only a nod of his head Amir accepted Hafez's order. He turned to Omeed then politely spoke. "My lady, I will need to escort you to a seat for now. His majesty has to address everyone."

Omeed followed Amir as he led her to a table that had Ramin. "My lady, it's good to see you again after so many years." Ramin said loudly as the feast fell silent. His excitement had gotten the better of his young mind.

"Almost six years Ramin, and what a fine young man you've become." She teased him as he beamed with pride. Omeed was glad Hafez had taken him off the streets and brought him to the palace. She had often wondered what became of him.

Turning towards Amir she asked with a sweet smile, "What is your real name?"

"Amir my lady. I am sorry to have lied to you all those years ago." He bowed his head.

"I did lie also, and look at where it got us." Omeed said brushing it off as she turned her attention to Hafez who had just ordered everyone to be seated.

"I will be retiring for the night." Hafez announced. "Enjoy the merriment and I will see you ministers in court tomorrow." He said with finality as he made a move to stand up from his throne.

"Royal brother, what about the maiden I had asked for?" Hafez heard his brother say. "You've never been one to take interest in beauties and you already have an harem full with them. Can't I have this one?" He slurred as he spoke.

Hafez bit his tongue as he tried controlling his temper. He knew if he opened his mouth then Iraj's head would be on a platter in minutes. Zubaida sensing this spoke quickly.

"Royal brother you've been drinking far too much, besides you can't have the king's woman." Zubaida teased but the unheard threat was vivid in her voice. She beckoned Iraj's servants forward. "Escort your master, he has had one drink too many!" She ordered them.

Hafez threw Zubaida an appreciative smile which she returned. Afsoon who was seated with the other concubines had had enough. She had clenched her fist so tightly her finger nails drew blood as she watched the interaction between Omeed and Hafez.

"I have never seen that expression on his face." Farah said sadly as her lips quivered.

"He has never held me so lovingly." Another concubine muttered.

"He is smiling genuinely at her. His majesty only smiled that way when he's with lord Ramin and princess Zubaida." Cried another concubine.

"Who is she anyway?" A confused one asked. "I have never seen or heard if her before now."

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