Chapter 42

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Omeed’s eyes flutters open as sunlight streams through the windows. Taking in her surrounding, Omeed felt Hafez’s heavy arm wrapped around her tiny waist.  She memorizes his every countenance as he sleeps peacefully.

Omeed took in the manly smell of his charcoal black hair that covers half his face. With two fingers she pushes them out of the way so she could look at his eyes.  His face was a sight to behold. Omeed thought with pride running her finger tip on the curve of his lips.

Although she was in desperate need for her chamber pot, Omeed expertly pulled away from Hafez in a gentle manner.

She groaned in pain as her body ached all over. Due to their state of undress, Omeed decided not to call out to Zoya for her assistance.

Pulling on her dressing robe, Omeed calmly helped herself to a relaxing bath as she wonders how soon they’ll be blessed with a child. Omeed couldn’t wait to have Hafez’s baby. She knew not only Hafez but the whole of Persia will be waiting as well.

Perhaps she was too hard on herself. Omeed thinks as she slumps further down into the bath.

Her eyes were still shut when she felt Hafez’s presence. She was too shy to acknowledge him with an overwhelming awkwardness now hanging in the air. Omeed was thankful her long hair acted as a protective coat over her exposed body.

Hafez gave her temple a soft kiss with his lips lingering there longer than necessary. “I would have preferred to wake up next to you.” His voice sounded husky sending shivers down Omeed’s spine.

Taking in a sharp breath, Omeed replies. “I didn’t want to wake you up. You looked peaceful and while you slept.”  Hafez smiles at her response. “Looks like yesterday wore you out.”

“Yes indeed my love.” He replies with a yawn which Omeed soon mirrors. He had just spoken to Amir who told him court had been postponed as everyone expected him to remain in bed until noon.

“I need to prepare for court has been postponed until later in the afternoon.” Hafez grunts out with Omeed nodding her head in understanding as she looks at Hafez.

She saw the uncertainty in his eyes as he struggles not knowing whether or not joining Omeed was the right thing to do. The idea was tempting though. Hafez thought bitterly.

The sound of footsteps coming from Omeed’s bedchamber brought the pair out of their stupor. “Good morning your majesty.” Zoya’s nervous voice rang in the bath house as she bows her head to the pair in acknowledgement.

Omeed blushed having been caught in such compromising position. “What is the matter Zoya?” Hafez’s crisply asked in his baritone voice. 

“Such power.” Mutters Omeed to herself nonchalantly as she sighs quietly.

“Head eunuch Amir wants me to remind you of your appointments with the foreign delegates.” Zoya was too afraid to look him in the eyes as she spoke so she kept her eyes on her feet the whole time as she spoke.

“I will be with you later my love.” Hafez lent forward kissing Omeed on her lips before exiting the bathhouse with a huff.

“I will prepare your clothes my la—I mean your majesty.” Zoya rushed out furiously blushing. For the rest of the morning Zoya went about accumulating more mistakes.

Zoya wasn’t one to make mistakes having spent most of her life as Omeed’s shadow. So when she made mistakes and couldn’t look Omeed in the eyes, Omeed sensed something wasn’t quite in place but decided against confronting Zoya.

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