Chapter 47

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Omeed slowly ventured into her pavilion with Zoya following behind her closely. Hafez's furious growls and stomping were the only sound heard around her pavilion. Omeed came to an abrupt stop as she watches her husband walk from one end of her hall to the other.

An overwhelming feeling of excitement and love bubbles in her stomach at the worried sight before her. His frown lines and deep scowl were visibly shown to the world even though he was known to hide his emotions expertly.

The picture before her only reiterated his undying love for her. Knowing he cared so much made Omeed sigh loudly with a victorious smile. Omeed never doubted his love for her but a little assurance couldn't hurt her ego.

"Hafez." She calls out his name with so much love and grace when she finally broke out of her reverie. Omeed had stood motionlessly watching Hafez for the past minute as he snaps at the eunuchs and maidens.

Hearing his name called out by the one person allowed the privilege, Hafez's head automatically snaps to the door way where Omeed stood with an happy glow etch on her face. At that moment every worry he had earlier dissipate without a trace.

His rigid posture, deep scowl and frown long forgotten. Before Omeed could say another word Hafez has taken three long strides towards her as he envelops her in a passionate embrace.

Sniffing the sweet scent of jasmine and rose flowers that Omeed was now affiliated with. It was no secret Omeed was called the fragrance queen by all due to the natural body scent that oozes from her. Having been bathed with rose petals all her life and perfumed in jasmine.

"Didn't I tell you to never let me suffer through the feeling of loosing you?" Hafez mutters into her neck not letting her go. "It hurt Omeed." He whispers not minding the audience before them as his heart breath fastens.

"Why did you leave me? Where were you?" He asked in rapid succession. "It doesn't matter. You are here now that's all that matters." He stops Omeed from excusing her absence and disappearance. "Just never let me suffer again!" He begs her although it sounded like an order.

Omeed could only grunt a "Yes" in response as her head remained buried in his broad chest. This was home. Hafez's hold was home for Omeed at that moment.

Amir who had been still watching the king and queen in their passion filled interaction signalled the eunuchs and maids to leave them with himself and Zoya retreating as well when Hafez suddenly pulls Omeed's lips to his in a passionate lip lock.

Everything was forgotten, from their troubles to their loss. At that moment their souls laid bared for the both of them as they witnessed and bathed in love's truest form.

Sated, the pair remained in a comfortable embrace as they lay naked under Omeed's bed covers as they try to catch their breath. Omeed thought of all the many things she has kept from Hafez and knew it was about time she came clean.

"Hafez?" She calls his name eve so gently not wanting to disturb him if he has fallen asleep.

"Yes my love." He replies pulling her even impossibly closer to himself.

"What I am about to tell you I want you to listen without screaming." She pleads timidly as she felt his body stiffen. "It's about our baby." His body went even more rigid at her words.

"Omeed, please try to forget about the child. We will have many more I promise you." He pleads exasperatedly. "Thinking about him all the time is detrimental to your health and state of mind. It will only make you sick."

"You should let me finish talking before jumping into your theories." She says with annoyance.

Sensing her anger Hafez apologises immediately. "Sorry my queen, I was only worried."

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