Chapter 28

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The sun was coming, Omeed and the ladies sat in a four horses drawn carriage. Tonight was princess Zubaida's birthday banquet and they were on their way. "My lady you'll be the most beautiful and stylish guest there." Zoya said suddenly, patronising Omeed.

"Zoya your flatter for Omeed is commendable." Feriha teased Zoya who became flustered.

"Feriha stop teasing the girl. If you wanted to be complimented all you should have done was say so." Feriha was taken aback by Omeed's quick witted response. Feriha playfully glared her way for few seconds maybe a minute before she snorted and burst into laughter.

She had nothing to say other than to laugh at the seriousness with which Omeed spoke knowing Omeed was jesting. "Lady Feriha, you look beautiful and I am sure your performance tonight will lauded and spoken highly of in Isfahan for a very long time." Zoya's sincere speech quickly shut Feriha's laughter and a pregnant silence followed.

Omeed adjusted her veil as they rode into princess Zubaida's estate. The ladies took in their surrounding wondering if they had come to the right place. The estate they have become familiar with has been transformed.

Brightly lit-up lanterns hung everywhere. Carriages and wagons occupied the the entrance as finely dressed ladies stepped out into the open. Many gushed and sized each other up as the scrutinise and spoke about latest trends and gossip.

Omeed and the ladies remained in their carriage as some stopped and stared at it. It was an unusual model she had gotten from Ming dynasty hence it stood out like a sore thumb. "My ladies are we sitting in here all night?" Zoya asked unable to contain the excitement bubbling inside her.

"Come on, let's go inside then." Feriha said after taking in a deep breath and slowly letting it out.

With the door opened, Zoya jumped out. Feriha followed with Omeed following closely behind them all the while careful not to miss her footing. Eyes stared at them in awe as tongues wagged. The ladies held their heads up as a servant approached to escort them inside.

Omeed held onto her bamboo flute that doubles up as a weapon when need be. Zoya was there to serve them. Although she was dressed even better than most of the noble ladies in attendance. "Is it time for my ladies performance yet?" Zoya asked.

"Yes." The servant answered in the affirmative leading the way. She was overwhelmed by their presence and afraid she'd make a mistake. She had been ordered by princess Zubaida to take special care of them as they were distinguished guests.

Feriha and Omeed gracefully walked into the banquet hall once they were announced. The silence that followed had been deafening as mouths dropped opened wide. Omeed and Feriha bowed to the stunned princess before commencing with their performance.

Omeed was stood on the middle of the dance floor without taking off her veil. All everyone could see were her big eyes and forehead. She had skilfully placed her flute to her lips without showing her face as she played.

Zoya watched in astonishment as Feriha danced around Omeed passionately. With a bright smile plastered on her face all through. She had seen them rehearse for this a few times but tonight they have outdone themselves. They had everyone transfixed.

A tear slipped from one eye as Zoya wondered what her late mistress would have made of this if she had seen Omeed tonight. She was certain she would have been proud of Omeed and how she has transformed from a boisterous lady to a virtuous one.

A silent giggle sudden escaped Zoya's lips as she remembered their childhood. How much Omeed hated to be treated and called a lady. How she liked sneaking off to the orchard hiding in trees. She remembered Omeed spraining her ankle when she fell off one.

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