Chapter 9

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Afsoon watched calculatingly as the other ladies of the harem surrounded Farah who was sat in the court yard. The ladies lavished her with praises as the went through the gifts the emperor had bestowed Farah. There were lots of gold trinkets, earrings and necklaces. Even fine rear silk and lace materials for her to make a new wardrobe.

It's been a week since the ladies were brought into the harem yet each night, Hafez only summoned Farrah. This hasn't sat well with Afsoon and a selected few who couldn't understand why Hafez was so taken by Farah. What is so special about her? Why her and not me? I am a lot prettier than her. Some have whispered to Farrah's hearing.

She was slowly coming out of her shell, although she was still shy and timid around Hafez who doesn't even bother speaking to her behind closed doors. Farah has familiarised herself with her duty. But was hoping Hafez doesn't get tired of her company soon as she was slowly developing certain strange feelings towards him. One she knew he wouldn't entertain and might lead to her dilapidation.

Farrah's eyes got teary at the thought something Afsoon's keen eyes spotted immediately. "My dear little sister, what has suddenly gotten you looking so defeated?" Afsoon asked Farah in a patronising manner that didn't go unnoticed by the other ladies who now had their gazed fixated on Farrah waiting for a response. Farrah knew she had to think quickly and come up with a tangible excuse.

"Oh it's nothing to worry about big sister, it's just me being a silly little girl." She tried brushing it off but Afsoon wasn't one to let go unless she got her answers. She shot Farrah a disbelieving glare that scared her. "Big sister, I was just missing my family and wondering how my life has changed in the space of ten days." She said recovering very quickly.

"How so little sister? Do enlighten us." Afsoon pressed on.

"I thought back to my days with my family where we had to sometimes go hungry because we had very little to eat. You see my father is a magistrate to a very small farming village that was recently struck with famine." Speaking truthfully for the first time of the situation her village was in.

"Have you perhaps spoken to his majesty about it?" A concubine asked Farrah who shook her head.

She was too scarred of Hafez to strike up such a conversation. Even though Hafez has never shown her anything that will suggest he was a villainous emperor, he hasn't shown her anything that will suggest otherwise. His attitude around her was neutral and for the first time Farrah was frustrated.

"You should try speaking to his majesty about it rather than dwell on it." Suggested a third concubine.

Afsoon watched as Farrah stupidly nodded her head knowing this will enrage Hafez who has specifically warned the women of the harem against everything politically suggestive. She couldn't wait to watch Farah fall from Hafez's favour.

That evening, Farrah dressed in her finery as she had her attendants apply more rouge than she normally did. Her hair was swept to one side with a gold trinket dangling on her forehead. Bangles adorned both wrist and her neckline was in gold and pearl necklaces.

As she took in her appearance, Farrah wondered who the girl staring back at her was. She had never been one to see herself as beautiful. But at that moment she looked every part the concubine of a king. The setting sun illuminated her skin. 'I will seduce him tonight and have him do my bidding.'

Hafez waited for Farrah's arrival before he retires for the night. The eunuchs sent out to fetch her still hadn't returned as he gave Amir the last of his orders before he goes to bed. "Amir, I need you to walk the street and market place tomorrow."

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