Chapter 8

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Women watched Farrah with knowing smiles and girls looked on with envy as Amir followed her into the harem. She initially had her head down but he quickly reminded her she was now an imperial consort and should walk with her head held high. Though Amir secretly wishes she remains grounded with a clean heart as servants approached Farrah who seemed overwhelmed with the overly respect being thrown her way.

Amir left them alone as they pampered Farrah, he went over to late king's empress who still remained empress of the kingdom in the absence of one. Making her the dowager empress. She ran the daily women affairs and most things in the harem.

She had birthed four daughters with no sons to the late king whom elevated her status to that on an empress when his empress died. At the time when ministers had questioned his motive for choosing her given that she gave him no sons, he had shunned them by saying she had a good heart and was a fair person.

But the truth behind it was that, the Nazir had advised him to take an empress who had no greed for power and won't be easily influenced. This was done so in the future no other son of his would threaten Hafez's position as his heir.

"Your highness." Amir greeted her once he wears invited into her chambers by her servants.

"Amir, what brings you here so early this morning?" With Amir's head still bowed down, she panicked thinking something was wrong with Hafez. "Is his majesty alright? Don't tell me he has fallen ill again." She rushed out, her words laced with worries of a mother.

"Not at all your highness. I am here on his majesty's order to confer lady Farrah with a title since she spent the night with him." The dowager queen breathed a sigh of relief then beamed once she took in what Amir had said.

"Tell his majesty not to worry and that lady Farrah will be taken care of." She had a genuine smile on her face as her lips twitched.

"Thank you your highness." Amir bowed deeply as he was sent on his way.

Omeed woke with a stat, she had been dreaming of the green eyed boy who haunted her dreams. Except this time was different, he looked sad and was in a lot of pain. No one knew what was wrong with him as a result he couldn't be treated. So he remained bedridden.

She was panting hard still reeling from her nightmare when Zoya burst through her doors holding a lamp in one hand and a dagger in the other. Zoya hadn't bothered to knock because Omeed's scream had made her jump out of bed in a fright. One glance at her shaking form and Zoya knew she must have had nightmare.

"My lady are you alright?" Zoya asked gently as she took in the tears streaming down Omeed's face. "Why are you crying?" She sat down next to Omeed who still shook with fear.

Omeed had not realise she was crying until Zoya mentioned it. She wiped her face furiously to get rid of any evidence that projected her as a weakling. She doesn't like being perceived as fragile. Something she has worked really hard to achieve over the years.

"I am alright Zoya, it was just a silly dream." She tried waving it off but Zoya was having non of that. She needed to know and Omeed must give her answers.

"Are you sure Omeed? Because I am certain it wasn't 'nothing'." Zoya called Omeed by her name for the first time in years. As she gave Omeed a pointed look that said 'go on'.

Omeed burst out a fit of giggles, she had been so happy to hear Zoya use her real name something only Feriha uses when they are alone. It felt right to hear her name. Once she calmed down a little, she grasp Zoya's hands in hers then happily said,

"You use my name for the first time in years and it felt nice to hear it come from your lips."

Zoya gasp as she hadn't realise that she had done that. "I am so sorry my lady, I didn't meant to--." Omeed stopped her mid sentence. She hated when Zoya treated her this way.

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