Chapter 58

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"I have better things to do with my time than to listen to you dribble nonsense Ali." Asal barks corking a perfect brow in a nonchalant manner. "If you are going to come up with a plan, you should bring one worth listening to." She says as she makes a move to walk off.

"This is a reliable information I got from someone really close to her." He smirks. "All I ask for in return is a pardon which you could easily get me as long as you are the queen of Persia." He bargains. "You know with her out of the way, he might finally allow you share his bed." Ali teases.

"How dare you!" She spits out venomously. "What are you trying to imply Ali?" Asal says with a squirm.

"Oh please cut the act your highness. You and I know the king has refused to bed anyone but the queen." He laughs bitterly. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

"I still have no idea what you're talking about." She says fidgeting as she speaks. "Are you certain this information is true?" She tries changing the subject. "I need to know what we have against her." Asal grins. "If I am going to go on the offensive, it has to be now since she is at her lowest ebb."

"Now that I have your attention let's discuss what I get in return for my tiny bit of information." Ali revel in delight. "As long as you play your cards correctly, you will come out on top." Ali laughs like a mad man. "I hear they haven't spoken to one another since the child's death. This is your chance to shine."

"So, tell me Ali. What have you got to share?" Asal impatiently ask Ali. She was getting fed up of his impudence and wanted him to get straight to the point. "I have been gone for far too long Ali, hurry up because I haven't got all day." She says with a frustrated groan.

"Well, I found out she isn't even Persian by birth but rather a child Shahram brought home from his travel to Hindustan twenty years ago. She is an Hindu orphan by birth with a twin brother who happens to be a future king." Ali spat with disgust.

"How dare a foreigner become mother of Persia?" Asal shook with rage as she glares at Ali. "Are you absolutely certain this information is right?" Ali nods in agreement. "Does his majesty know this?" Asal ask. Once again Ali nods his head. "What other information have you got?" She presses on.

"She sneaks out of the palace now and again. I also heard his majesty had met with her days before their Nikha breaking customs even though they weren't suppose to see each other." Asal wondered who this informant was and why did this individual decide to betray Omeed now.

"Who is this informant and what does this person want in return?" She ask Ali.

"Interesting. He is a slave that has been in love with her all his life since they were children. He is someone who hopes once her status is taken, he would be in with a chance at having her as his." Ali laughs as Asal scrunches her face disgusted at the thought. "I promised him she wouldn't be killed."

"Killing her for lying to the throne doesn't seem like a bad idea. I mean, it safer to uproot a weed that to have it cut since it will only grow again." Sighing loudly, Asal's head goes into motion as she thinks of ways she could benefit from all she had heard.

"I need to think this thoroughly. Then see how to go about what you've told me. Don't contact me for now whilst I try to come up with a plan." She shoos him off as she retreats to the confines of her chambers.

It's been three days since Aaban's funeral. Omeed has been in the royal shrine meditating. She has refused food and drinks. Zoya could only watch her from distance since only members of the royal family were allowed inside the shrine.

"She is going to collapse anytime soon." Zoya murmurs to Feriha as they wait to assist her should she indeed collapse. "I cannot even face her since prince Aaban had been left in my care. I failed her Feriha." Zoya whimpers.

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