Thirty four

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Today was the first day back at school after the Christmas holidays and it was the start of the new year.

I was at my locker grabbing the books I needed for the lessons coming up, I close the locker door jumping out my skin seeing Jax standing there.

"Fuck" I snapped.

"Scare ya did I?" He chuckled as he causally leans on the locker.

"Just a bit" I said as I put the books in my bag "what you want anyway?"

"You" he said staring me up and down.

"Me? why me?" I asked him.

"Your hot I fancy you" he said taking his hand in mine "come on Peyton, it's a new year new start"

"Sorry I'm really not interested" I said taking my hand from his "there's plenty of girls in this school that would cut out a kidney to be your girlfriend. I'm just not one of them"

I walk away passing Jon who looks at me he gives me a look that was asking if everything was okay.

that night I'm at my dads sitting in the living room doing homework while watching telly when my phone rings, it was Jon.

"Hey there sexy" I smiled answering his call.

"Hey, was wondering if you can get away for a few hours, was going to take you out"

"How can we go out?" I questioned him.

"We could go out of town" Jon pointed out.

"You know what that would be great if I wasn't swamped with homework. I promised my dad id knuckle down"

"It's cool I understand babe, maybe next time you could come study at mine"

I smile at his comment "you and I both know that I wouldn't end up studying"

"Well you could study in bed after"

I start laughing down the phone at him "well I will keep that in mind for next time"

"So what did Jax want this morning?" Jon asked me quickly changing the subject.

"Do you want the honest answer or should I lie" I sighed

"Well I'd like the truth" Jon said kinda sharpe down the phone.

"Okay, well he wanted me"

"You? What he want you for?" Jon questioned me he sounded a little confused

"Like I said babe he wanted me just me. He said we should start the new year together"

"Did he honestly say that?" Jon chuckled

"Uh-huh" I nodded "I told him I wasn't interested"

"So his back on wanting you again" Jon muttered down the phone.

"Sounds like it. Look don't worry about him. I'm not interested in anyone else except you"

"I know that and I trust you" Jon said reminding me.

"Good. I'm going to go as I have to get all this done by the morning"

"Okay. I love you" Jon said I smiled wishing I could kiss him.

"I love you too" I hang up putting my phone on the arm of the chair.

"So who was that?" My dad asked from behind me.

I turn around seeing him standing there arms crossed.

"No one" I replied turning around picking up my pen.

"Don't no one me, you was talking to someone who was it" he demanded.

"A friend, happy now" I retorted

"What kind of friend?" My dad asked me walking around so he could see me, I shrug my shoulders at him "well let me put it like this Peyton, I don't go around telling my friends I love them"

"Firstly I tell my friends I love them secondly why the hell are you listening in?!"

"Look, I know you tell your friends you love them but not like that. And why the hell cant I listen in?! Your acting different you've changed"

I stare at my dad tapping my pen on my book
"So who is he?" My dad asked me crossing his arms.

"There is no him" I lied

"There is Peyton, I don't care if you have a boyfriend your eighteen, I just want to know who the prick is so I can keep an eye on him. Your my little girl always will be no matter how old you get"

I stare at my dad knowing I couldn't tell him about Jon if he knew he would kill him

"I get that dad but honestly I'm not seeing anyone at the moment" I lied grabbing my stuff "I'm going to my room to finish studying"

I walk out the living room taking one last look at my dad smiling a weak smile at him before heading upstairs.

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